Task sharing Leading organization, assembling and QA including in- beam tests Assembling of modules and in-beam tests Microcables, assembling of modules Ultra light carbon fiber support and cooling, radiation test center Double sided microstrip sensors and their QA Cooling system design and prototyping FEE and sensitive material supplies
The base ingredients for success IBM==Igolkin+Borshchov+Merkin Access to Russian funding Recruiting of creative young people Cooperation within IBM Access to Radiation Test and in-beam test Facility
On the Road to CBM STS
2008 Tasks and their sharing Technical design and production of CF support and cooling & KRI - Igolkin’s talk + Establishing DSSDs production SINP & ELMA – Merkin’s talk - Development of n-irradiation 20 MeV cyclotron + Murin’s (Jakovlev-Lashaev) talk Upgrading prototypes testing bench with collimated Ru-106 JINR + Organizing the in-beam testing Protvino + Development of microcables Kharkov + Procenko’s talk Development of assembling Russia (Protvino or/and Dubna) + Application for budgeting + JINR or ITEP
Technical design and production of CF support and cooling & KRI ( S.N. Igolkin) Details are in Sergey Igolkin’s talk
Establishing DSSDs production SINP & ELMA ( M.M. Merkin) Details are in Michael Merkin’s talk
Development of n-irradiation testing 20 MeV cyclotron (V.A. Jakovlev, S.I.Lashaev (KRI)+D.E.Karmanov, M.G.Korolev(SINP) supported by KRI Cyclotron Lab ) Equipment is purchased and implemented Neutron field studies done but need to be confirmed First batch of one sided pad diods were irradiated and analysed
Building Prototypes testing bench with Ru-106 JINR ( P.V. Nomokonov) URGENT NEED: n-XITER FEE electronics + demonstrators Current Activity: Preparation of infrastucture and transition to N-xyter electronics and DAQ Auxiliary electronics for demonstrator tests in 2009 on the way
Organizing the in-beam testing Protvino First run with Demonstrator-Zero-B is scheduled for final preparations are on the way SVD-2 setup at IHEP/ 50 GeV protons with intensity up to 10 6 / spill
Development of microcables Kharkov ( V.N. Borshchov ) Demonstrator-Zero-B – talk of M.Procenko
Development of assembling Russia (Protvino or Dubna or ?) The next Step: visiting existing ALICE assembling sites at Strassburg (done) and/or Utrecht ( rescheduled for 2009) To improve networking in FSU countries participating institutes (Skype to every member organization !) Application for the support of the 3-d Work Meeting of the Consortium (together with MVD ?) in Sortavala, Karelia, June 1-4 th,2009 (ready)
Milestones of the 2009 Work plan Cooling Scheme Demonstrator ? Demonstrator 1–A (technological) 1-B (electrical) 1-C (final) Description: Three 1024 strip sensors connected serially +short Al cable with pitch adapter Demonstrator 2–A (technological) 2-B (electrical) 2-C (final) Description: One 1024 strip sensor +long Al cable with pitch adapter Ladder Demonstrator Description: full scale mechanical dummy of the 4-th STS station (noncentral!) In-Beam test time table ? In-Beam test time table for 2009 ? (Protvino(April); Nuclotron (?) GSI(?)) Urgent need: Hybrid input pitch ?
Thank you for your attention!