L. Greiner1PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Detector Sensor and RDO Review Introduction
L. Greiner2PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Talk Outline Purpose Charge Agenda
L. Greiner3PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Purpose Development project for > 5 years CD-2/3 Production Readiness Review estimated for November 2010 No previous subsystem level focused review, this is a good opportunity for additional design input. This review is intended to give us feedback on both the state of the subsystem (as it is) and uncover and quantify any design or documentary shortcomings before the CD- 2/3 review in time to address them before we enter the DOE review process.
L. Greiner4PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Charge The scope of the review is the sensor and RDO system for the PXL detector system. Does the proposed design meet the requirements as stated? Is the design consistent with good practice and appropriate to the task? Does the team possess the knowledge and skills to carry out the project? Is the cost and schedule realistic and appropriate? Is the documentation adequate to present the design?
L. Greiner5PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Agenda HFT design (LG) Sensors (MS) System Hardware Architecture (LG) System Firmware and Software Architecture (XS) Hardware prototyping status (MS) Firmware and software prototyping status (XS) Project Status (LG) There will be discussion sessions on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning for clarification and detailed questions.
L. Greiner6PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR WBS Structure PXL Electronics – Phase-1 Sensor Phase-1 Prototype Phase-1 Production – PXL Sensor PXL Sensor Prototype PXL Sensor Production – Ladder Cable Infrastructure Test Cable Prototype Ladder Cable (FR-4) Ladder Cable (Kapton + Cu conductor) Ladder Cable (Kapton + Al conductor) Ladder Cable PXL Sensor – Phase-1 Ladder Assembly Ladder Mechanical / Electrical Prototypes – Read-out Electronics RDO Board Mass Termination Board RDO PCs Control PC System – PXL Sensor Ladder Production