KUDOs 8.13 Know Jamestown Understand 8.2 Trace and explain the founding of Jamestown DO 1.Checkpoint Stock Market Intro 3.Virginia Company Exercise 4.OneSheet: Intro to Jamestown
Checkpoint What 3 European Countries settled in America first? 2.List the 3 “G”s that served as motivation to settle in America.
Checkpoint What were Spain’s 2 main motivations for settling in America? 4.What was England searching for that would in turn make them more powerful?
Checkpoint What did the French have to trade with the Indians? 6.What religion was Spain trying to spread throughout their settlements?
TIME IS UP! Put away your pencils so that I cannot see them. You will only be able to write with a red pen while we are checking answers. Write the # incorrect to the left of the date and circle it.
Checkpoint What 3 European Countries settled in America first? 2.List the 3 “G”s that served as motivation to settle in America. England, France, Spain God, Gold, Glory
Checkpoint What were Spain’s 2 main motivations for settling in America? 4.What was England searching for that would in turn make them more powerful? 1.Spread religion 2.Get rich through finding gold land
Checkpoint What did the French have to trade with the Indians? 6.What religion was Spain trying to spread throughout their settlements? Fur Catholicism
Timeline I will give you 3 minutes to copy the OneSheet: timeline onto a sheet of paper. You will need to write the Standard and topic. If you prefer a different timeline setup, draw it the way you understand it. You will write notes for each section, so leave enough room for about 2-3 sentences per section.
Question If you could buy part of a company, what company would it be?
Stock Market
Virginia Company CEO 2 Secretaries Merchants/Investors Everyone gets $$$ Invest…. Or nah Roanoke Gold = +$$$ No Gold = -$$$
VICTORY! Enough investments Use for ships and supplies JAMESTOWN! John Smith Powhotan Pocahontas
MAYDAY! Problems arise John Smith leaves back to England Indian siege “Starving Time” Death
Stock adjustments You can now SELL your stock for $5.00 a share. Or you can buy more stock at half the price ($5.00) Remember: If Jamestown continues to suffer, you could lose it all. On the other hand…if we end up finding gold, you could make HUNDREDS!
New Arrival! John Rolfe Tobacco SUCCESS!!!
What are you worth? Count how many shares you have of the Virginia Company Multiply that by 50. That is how much money you have. Lets see how you did!
KUDOs 8.14 Know Jamestown Understand 8.2 Trace and explain the founding of Jamestown DO 1.Checkpoint Complete OneSheet 3.Jamestown Monologue
Checkpoint What river was Jamestown settled on? 2.Who was the Indian Chief that kidnapped John Smith and almost killed him?
Checkpoint What did Pocahontas do when her dad captured John Smith? 4.What company needed investments in order to colonize America and what were they looking for?
Checkpoint In 1-2 sentences explain what a Joint- Stock Company is. 6.Briefly explain the “Starving Time.”
TIME IS UP! Put away your pencils so that I cannot see them. You will only be able to write with a red pen while we are checking answers. Write the # incorrect to the left of the date and circle it. Anything that is underlined MUST be in your answer or it’s wrong.
Checkpoint What river was Jamestown settled on? 2.Who was the Indian Chief that kidnapped John Smith and almost killed him? James River Chief Powhatan
Checkpoint What did Pocahontas do when her dad captured John Smith? 4.What company needed investments in order to colonize America and what were they looking for? Saved his life Virginia Company and gold
Checkpoint In 1-2 sentences explain what a Joint- Stock Company is. 6.Briefly explain the “Starving Time.” A company that needs investments or money from people to survive. A cold winter when the native tribes sieged Jamestown not allowing them to leave and cutting off their food supply. This starved the colonists in Jamestown, killing most of them until John Rolfe showed up with supplies.