Mollie Nichols 3A April 15, 2013
Chuck Baird
Chuck Baird was born deaf on February 22, 1947 in Kansas City, Missouri. Stayed in Overland Park, Kansas. Went to the Kansas School of the Deaf and received his art education from Mrs. Grace Bilger in Enrolled at Gallaudet University with two of his sisters and National Technical School for the Deaf after two years and received his BFM in painting in After 4-years of fighting cancer; Chuck Baird died in the morning of February 10, 2010 in Austin, Texas.
He is famous for his art. His career spanned over 35 years and included painting, sculpture, acting, storytelling, and teaching. He brings elements of deaf culture into many of his works with the art movement De’VIA (Deaf View Image Art). Also was an actor; played in (The Legend of the Mountain Man).
His parents are hearing and there are no deaf ancestors. Chuck Baird has four siblings; 1 hearing brother because he was between the sisters and Chuck and 3 deaf sisters; oldest, Ruth Ann, second oldest Susan the mid-child Liz ; him and his sister believe it was the Penred syndrome that made them deaf. Parents did sign but used very little home signs and fingerspelling.
He was treated fair and when he painted he painted signs and what the sign meant.