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The Global Missions Department Presents
Human Relations Area Files A not-for-profit organization at Yale University HRAF Collection of Ethnography Available as microfiche and as electronic database
HRAF Learning to work efficiently and accurately with the HRAF Collection of Ethnography
Introduction A unique source of information on the cultures of the world. Over 800,000 pages of indexed info. 400 different cultural, ethnic, religious, and national groups around the world.
Objectives of this Presentation To appreciate its usability as a tool in cross-discipline research To understand the research capabilities of the HRAF Collection of Ethnography
HRAF Files eHRAF Collection of Ethnography (Internet) HRAF Collection of Ethnography (Microfiche) See the AGTS library staff for assistance Additional Resources at HRAF’s Home Page
Documents Organized according to geographic regions Outline of World Cultures (OWC) Indexed according to subjects and topics Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM) 710 subjects Grouped into 83 major subject divisions Within each major subject division, 5 or more specific categories are assigned
Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM) Example of Subject Categories 770 Religious Beliefs 771 General Character of Religion 772 Cosmology 773 Mythology 774 Animism 775 Eschatology 776 Spirits and Gods 777 Luck and Chance 778 Sacred Objects and Places 779 Theological Systems
Outline of World Cultures (OWC) Example of Culture Codes Cultures are organized according to geographic regions. For example the “A” in the OWC “AR07 Khasi” stands for Asia. Geographic Regions A = Asia E = Europe F = Africa N = North America O = Oceania R = Russia S = South America M = Middle East & North Africa
Selection of cultures on the basis of: Maximum cultural diversity Maximum geographical dispersal Adequacy of literature
The Documents are: Largely descriptive rather than theoretical Ethnographic in Nature: Consists of a detailed description of culture, community or region Written by competent researchers or observers in prolonged residence
Miscellaneous OCM Subject Categories Broader, abstract categories Descriptive detail about artifacts employed as means in a particular society Symbolic or ideational behavior Organized social relationships and groups
Citations A complete bibliographic reference for each document Located at beginning of each document May be reached from every page header in a document via hyperlink
Cultural Summary Each culture included has a cultural summary These can be searched for cross-cultural traits such as... The culture’s demography Discussion of the culture’s population and its variance Linguistic affiliation: main language and related dialects
History and Cultural Relations A basic outline of a culture and its interaction with external influences
Other headings used in the Cultural Summary are as follows…
Settlements Describes the nature of a culture’s: Villages and cities Architectural style and building practices Descriptions of an average dwelling
Economy A discussion of a culture’s economic system, incorporating: Subsistence and commercial activities Industrial arts Trade, division of labor Land tenure
Kinship An overview of kin/clan organization and orientation, including: Kin groups Descent and kinship terminology
Marriage and Family Describes: Marriage, the basic familial domestic unit Inheritance Socialization
Social and Political Organization An overview of a culture’s: Social and political organization Methods of social control Socio-political conflict
Religion and Expressive Culture Provides a brief description of a culture’s: Religious beliefs Religious practitioners Religious or other ceremonies The Arts Medicine How death and afterlife are generally perceived
Indexing Notes Lists any special decisions made by the analyst regarding subject categories which might differ from normal use
Bibliography A List of documents used in the preparation of any given cultural file.
Using the Internet version AGTS library: click on the Internet databases folder and select “eHRAF Collection of Ethnography” At home: NOTE: you will need a password which can be ed to you.
Obtaining a Password Send an or call the following person requesting a password and user ID: Inform her that you are a student at AGTS Ms. Christiane Cunnar, HRAF Member Services:
eHRAF Database Support eHRAF Tutorial: Notice the underline space in this link: “ehraftutorial_intro.htm” eHRAF User Guides: If you need online assistance, Mrs. Cunnar has made herself available for individual online support via or phone.
In-House Assistance Contact Dr. Newberry during office hours. His office is #215 in the faculty office area, Phone:
Special appreciation is given to Mrs. Christiane Cunnar for her editing assistance and advise in the preparation of this presentation.
Copyright 2002 Global Missions Department Assemblies of God Theological Seminary Springfield, Missouri Prepared by Warren Newberry, D.Th. Visiting Professor of Missions