CONSTRUCT A POSTER THAT ANALYZES YOUR SOUTH & SOUTHEAST ASIAN ART OR ARCHITECTURAL PIECE BY~ A)Country of Origin, Title & Artist ( if applicable) B)Provide Multiple Images of the Piece and a graphic layout if applicable (consider it from different angles, a large view & a smaller more focus viewed) C)Background of the Piece ( Context & History) D) 4 Adjectives Describing the Piece E) 5 Characteristics speaking to the piece’s medium, elements and artistic techniques F)Purpose of the Piece G)A detailed statement about the emerging theme ( next slide) H)A large identifying title of the theme
AP ART THEMES EXTRACTED FROM THE AP ART HISTORY EXAM Violence Explain how and why each work of art communicates hostility or violence. Nature Representations of the natural world or motifs from nature are found in the art of all time and places.. Explain why and how each work uses representations of the natural world or motifs from nature. Narration (telling a story) Most cultures have made use of art’s narrative function. Identify the subject of each narrative and discuss the means used to convey the narrative
Architecture/Art as Power and Authority How is the architecture used to express or reinforce power and authority? Sacred Space How does the culture designate sacred space to accommodate both religious beliefs and practice ? Religious Images In many cultures, artists have produced images for religious use. Discuss how the images conform to the beliefs of the culture in which they were produced, and in what ways each contributed to reinforcing those beliefs. Propaganda Throughout history, art has been used as propaganda to shape public opinion. Propaganda takes many forms, such as architecture, paintings, and print media, and is used to promote religious, political, and social ideologies. Explain how the work shaped public opinion