Welcome! What was that? with Ann MacDonald
2 Introductions Name What brings you to FYI Conference? Favorite candy when you were a child
We Listen to... Obtain information Understand For enjoyment To learn To reduce/avoid crisis
4 Listening benefits all of our relationships
5 However... We remember on average only 25-50% of what we hear Did you catch that?
6 Do You Know a Good Listener? What makes them good? small group/list
Meaning and Communication
8 Elements of Listening Non-Verbal Verbal communication
Nonverbal Interest Silence/don’t interrupt Facial expression Eye contact Tone of voice Body position
11 Dwight... watch?v=Qg8PIK74KO4
Verbal Responses Invitation to talk Minimal encouragements Open/Closed questions Open statements Reflective response Summarize
13 What are some factors/challenges that impact listening?
14 Cultural and gender differences Phil and Claire Nl1oeBk
15 General Guidelines Minimize distractions Avoid advice giving Be OK with silence Focus on what they are saying, NOT your comeback No stealing thunder
16 ` Charisma Coach/London watch?v=r_Y2VyJWYGs watch?v=r_Y2VyJWYGs
17 Time to practice your active listening!
18 Practice Repeat+question? Repeat+personal statement+question? Favorite place to eat?
Asking Questions /handout
Reflective responses “You sound… “You seem… “Sounds like you are … Match level of intensity If wrong, will correct you Practice exercise
Active Listening… Helps identify/express emotions Conveys respect Responds to feelings, not behavior Communicates caring/understanding Helps people “talk it out not act it out”
Active Listening is not… Premature problem-solving Arguing or establishing facts Permission giving Necessarily time consuming
23 Active listening in action Raymond/classroom Raymond/home
24 Closing/Evaluations Thank YOU for making a difference in the lives of children and families! Also for being good listeners!