Gawtham Karthik R Rajeev Gandhi B Karthika Venkatesan Anugraha S Dinesh Kumar S Swaminathan K Aarthi Aravind
Listening : The process of receiving, constructing and responding to spoken or nonverbal messages. To hear something with thoughtful attention
Listening Is With The Mind Hearing With The Senses Listening Is Conscious. An Active Process Of Eliciting Information Ideas, Attitudes And Emotions Interpersonal, Oral Exchange
Listening is an active process that has three basic steps. 1. Hearing Hearing means listening enough to catch what the speaker is saying. 2. Understanding The next part of listening happens when you take what you have heard and understand it in your own way. 3. Judging After you are sure you understand what the speaker has said, think about whether it makes sense.
To understand involves more than just hearing! You must LISTEN, too.
You can improve your listening skills by following some of these tips: Eye contact keeps you focused on the job at hand and keeps you involved. Sit up straight and let the speaker know you understand. At appropriate times you may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the speaker know you are listening.
Avoid distractions. Don’t let your mind wander or be distracted by anything and everything. Be an active listener. Ask yourself questions as you listen. What key points is the instructor making? Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker wants to get across. Pay special attention to statements that begin with phrases such as “My point is…” or “The thing to remember is…”
Non-verbal communication is the communication with which we convey messages through gestures, eye access cues, body movements, facial expressions, clothing, and eye contacts. Non -Verbal Communication is the message or response not expressed or sent in words -hints, suggestions, indications.
Non -Verbal signals are unconscious parts of our behaviour which is a deeply rooted part in our entire makeup. In fact, it is the most basic part of our personality. NVC is the unspoken communication that goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter with another human being.
Body Language Colour Touch
Body Language" The bodily gestures, postures, and facial expressions by which a person communicates nonverbally with others”. Body Language ? 1.Facial expression(s) 2.Eyes 3.Lips 4.Arms 5.Hands 6.Fingers
Colour can reflect culture, nature, attitude.
Communicating through touch is another important nonverbal behavior Touch is culturally determined and each culture has a clear concept of what parts of the body one may not touch. Indians:typically don’t touch with the left hand. To do so is a social insult. Mannerly in India to reccive anything from others is only allowed with right hand.
Affection Attention Announcing a response Greetings inclusion Support
Positive NV behaviour improves your non-verbal communication effectiveness. You can improve your effectiveness as a non-verbal communicator by observing and analyzing both the physical interactions and the body language, appearance, gestures, vocal cues, eye contact, and touching behaviour of the participants.
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