1. Which of the following would not give you a shock? A. hitting power lines with a kite B. sticking a fork into an electrical outlet C. staying away from power lines D. dropping a radio into a bathtub
2. Which of these would be the best conductor of electricity? A. air B. space C. saltwater D. glass
3. How does alternating current (AC) differ from direct current (DC)? A. AC alternates from a positive to a negative charge. B. AC alternates from high voltage to low voltage. C. AC changes the direction of its current. D. They are different names for the same thing.
4. Which of these scientists invented electricity? A. Thomas Edison B. Benjamin Franklin C. Allesandro Volta D. None of the above
5. Why are people with heart trouble often shocked with electricity? A. It startles them, much like curing hiccups. B. Their body is low on electric current, and they need a boost. C. A powerful charge is required to overcome the resistance of the muscles. D. Electric shock briefly stops the heart, allowing muscles to regain rhythm.
6. What function does a circuit serve in your home? A. It protects your home against lightning strikes. B. It increases the voltage from the power lines outside your house. C. It provides a complete path through which electricity can flow. D. It provides a barrier against electromagnetic radiation.
7. What is the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit? A. A series circuit has one path; the parallel circuit splits into branches. B. A series circuit must have a fuse. C. A parallel circuit must have a circuit breaker. D. A parallel circuit has one path, the series circuit splits into branches.
8. How does a basic switch work? A. The switch changes polarity, which determines the current’s direction. B. The switch closes the circuit, which turns off the current. C. The switch opens the circuit, allowing current to flow. D. Two conductors move together and apart to control the current’s flow.
9. Which of the following is not an example of static electricity at work? A. getting a shock after walking across a rug on a dry day B. toner in a photocopier being attracted to paper C. a magnet picking up iron filings D. a bolt of lightning striking the Earth
10. When batteries are placed in a flashlight, the positive terminal of one is connected to the negative terminal of the next. Why? A. So electricity can flow from one to the next. B. So the current is slowed as it enters the next battery. C. So the voltage is decreased as it enters the next battery. D. So the electromagnetic interference is reduced.