University of Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Maribor, Slovenia Institute for power, process and environmental engineering
Experimental methods Laser-Doppler Anemometry Particle Image Velocimetry Model testing Numerical modeling BEEAS/BEMflow (in house code) CFX4/5 FIRE Melcor Theoretical and applied research turbulent flow, multiphase flow, porous media flow, combustion
Fields of interest: Power engineering internal combustion engines, turbomachinery, heating and ventilation Process engineering mixing, drying, thermal and mechanical separations Environmental engineering waste water and air treatment, burning, waste management
Equipment: HP workstation cluster Modern experimental facilities (LDA, PIV, interal combustion engine test facility, power plant simulation model) Staff: 30 researchers (8 prof., 10.M.Sc., 10 technical staff)
References academic cooperation: University Erlangen-Nurnberg,B.R.D, Brunel University, U.K., U.C.L.A, U.S.A., Berkely,U.S.A.,… international research projects: Copernikus PEGAS (U.M.I.S.T, UNI Erlangen-Nurnberg), AVL Graz, Alexander von Humboldt Fundation, B.R.D. Over 100 JCR scientific articles in international journals in the last 15 years Applied research: LEK, Gorenje, AVL, Alchrom, TAM, Cimos, KIV, Turboinstitut.. Contact: prof. dr. Leopold Škerget, Faculty of mechanical engineering Maribor, Institute for power, process and environmental engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Fax: Tel: