How many of you like to walk on OIL? NO? Many modern materials, including the soles of shoes, may be made from petroleum products! …and we use a LOT of them!
Where do YOU keep the 10 tons of stone and gravel YOU used last year? Maybe in the basement behind the stairs?
Of course…you personally won’t use all of that stone! But it’s every person’s share of the 3 billion tons of stone, sand, gravel that the United States uses every year!
…400 POUNDS of SALT??? That’s a LOT of fries! So every year, you use…
600 pounds of iron every year? Much of that is in those 2-ton cars we drive!
50 pounds of aluminum? 10 pounds of lead… 10 lbs.
20 pounds of copper…Is that ALL we use?
? Where do YOU keep your 200 pounds of gypsum?
…and some right here! Of course, we “keep” a lot of it here…
But most of us keep almost all of our gypsum right here…
Almost everything you own, wear, sit on, or drive in… …IS a ROCK! Airplanes.. Washing Machines TV’s Cars computers
A school bus… …is a big, yellow rock!
Does geology affect us in other ways? Well… No one would say that the presence of OIL in the Middle East has any affect on World politics, would they?
Much of the German and Japanese strategy in World War II revolved around petroleum supplies…
Fighting over geological resources… …probably goes back to these days!
How about Platinum-group metals? Absolutely VITAL! MUST have…! Where are they found? Union of South Africa U.S.S.R. Rest of the World Now… run THAT back 25 years and tell me who you’re gonna’ buy from!
It is absolutely vital that people… …particularly the younger generation… understand where things come from! Where do computers come from?
Cars…? Yep…
And the truth…? They are all rocks… …dug out of a hole in the ground!
Food, some clothes, some furniture, paper, and a number of other materials come from renewable use of the soil… Everything else… …must be dug up! It’s ALL geology!