The Moon By: Stephen Vincent and Thomas Shmalberg
The Moon is the Earths Only Natural Satellite The moon is the only other celestial body(besides earth) that human beings have set foot on The moon has no liquid water There is little to no atmosphere on the moon -therefore weather does not exist on the moon
Random Moon Facts
The Dark side of the Moon A very unique fact about the moon is that the time it takes to revolve around the earth, and the time it takes to make a complete rotation are the same This leaves one side of the Moon dark and cold and the other side bright, that is why we always see the same side of the moon
The Moons Surface In Ancient times astronomers believed that the dark spots in the moon were oceans The moons surface consists of many craters, mountain ranges, plains, faults, and domes The largest crater is Mare Imbrium, it is roughly 750 miles wide Most scientists believe that craters formed when meteorites impacted the moons surface at a high speed
Where did the Moon Come from? There are 3 major theories about where the moon came from They are 1. Fission from earth 2. Formation in the orbit of earth and 3. Formation far far away from earth However, most scientists believe that it is the leftover from an impact with a planet
Planetesimal Impact This theory states that 4-billion years ago the earth was hit by a large body at least 2 times the size of mars, and then all of the debris from the collision came together and formed the moon
Yes, we have been to the moon Because there isn’t any weather on the moon, this footprint will most-likely always be on the moon The Surveyor series of spacecraft by the United States and the Luna series by the USSR were unmanned missions to the moon in the 60’s. Later on there were the manned missions to the moon by the U.S which were called the Apollo series which made measurements of the physical and chemical properties of the moon. The Apollo missions set up instruments on the moon to relay messages back to earth about gas pressure, temperature, and heat flow on the lunar surface.
Random Moon INFO The Moon does not produce its own light, it reflects the light of the sun Many ancient societies believed that the Moon Goddess Luna inhabited the Moon There are two types of eclipses (the moon and the earth lining up) A lunar eclipse is when the earth is between the sun and the moon A solar eclipse is when the Moon is between the sun and the earth Lunar eclipse Solar eclipse
OUR INFO Some of the days could not be graphed because the moon was not up at that time, or it was cloudy and the moon could not be seen We started on November 25 th and, but were unable to see the moon until
This presentation was by: Stephen Vincent and Thomas Shmalberg