Teaching Aid Invention By Stuti-G 5-E Navrachana school Sama
Things needed: A cardboard box Scissors Tape Pencil (1 only) A piece of cardboard With this invention you can see all the phases of the moon in a few minutes !
The Phases of the Moon Method : First take the cardboard box and cut a hole of 1 inch diameter. Then take the piece of cardboard and cut-out a bulb shape a little smaller than the hole. Then fold the shape a little from the bottom and stick it with tape in front of the hole. Then make 14 holes on the other side of the box. Make the holes larger with the pencil. Now the gadget is ready !!! You just have to look through the 14 holes you have made (one by one )and look at the light coming from the hole (your extreme right if you are looking from the left)and you can see the phases of the moon.