Item 5 Preparation for a Meeting. Task 1 Venue Reservation How to choose a venue To make an on-site inspection To make a venue reservation.


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Presentation transcript:

Item 5 Preparation for a Meeting

Task 1 Venue Reservation How to choose a venue To make an on-site inspection To make a venue reservation

1. How to choose a venue Lead-in: A successful exhibition will always lead to a great progress for a company’s business. This is the reason why exhibitions are getting more and more popular and important in our society. If you are an organizer of a famous company, how would you prepare for an exhibition and what would be the first thing for you to consider?

The site selection process involves eight basic steps: Identify the meeting objectives Gather historic data Determine physical requirements Consider attendees’ interest and expectations Select an area and type of facility Prepare meeting specifications and a request for proposal Review and evaluate sites Select site

To make a checklist before choosing a venue, such as: Where are the buyers? What date is the venue available? What the facilities can you use in the venue? How convenient is the transportation?

3. To make an on-site inspection Lead-in: Site inspections offer the opportunity to walk through a property and examine it for cleanliness and upkeep. This is your chance to meet the property managers, see the staff in action, and get a feel for the ambiance of the facility. You will want to measure those special qualities that cannot be shown on floor plans or brochures. Are rooms bright or dim, noisy orquiet, warm or cold, fresh smelling or musty? Are stff polite, friendly, well-groomed and courteous? Can you move easily and comfortably from room to room? These are the kinds of characteristics that can be measured only by a site inspection.

Role play Situation: A coordinator of the vonvention is inspecting your convention center. You, who are the manager of the conventions center, accompany him with the inspection tour and try your best to answer all the questions safisfactorily and leave him a good impression.

3. To make a venue reservation First Option will need the following information when you make your enquiry: Type of event(meeting, training seminar, workshop or conference) Number of syndicate rooms required Number of meeting rooms required Layout of rooms Audio-visual requirements Any special dietary requirements Inspection visit required---yes or no

Useful Sentences: 1) Do you have one convention room for 20 persons? 我想订一间可以容纳 20 个人的会议室,行吗? 2) What size of conference room do you have in mind? 您想要订多大的会议室? 3) May I know the time and date? 请问您要订哪一天、什么时间的会议室? 4) which seating style would you prefer? 您想如何安排座位? 5) What is the Charge? 费用是多少? 6)What facilities do you offer with the room? 这间房还有什么设施? 7) Conference fees include documentation, lunch and refreshments where applicable. 会议费用包括文件资料费、午餐与茶点费。

8) We need a deposit of 50% at the time of reservation. The remaining 50% will be collected by the date of event. 预订的时候我们需要收取您 50% 的订金,其余的 50% 将在活动当日收取。 9) If we can’t accept the reservation, we will refund your deposit within 5 working days. 如果我们无法接受您的预订,我们将在 5 个工作日内退还您的押金。 10) I can’t decide now. Can you fax me the floor plan with more detailed descriptions? 我现在很难决定。你能不能给我传真一份楼层平面图和更详细的描述? 11) This is the busiest season. I’m very sorry, but could you call us again later this week? We may have some cancellations. 现在是旺季,非常抱歉,不过能不能请您这个周末再打电话过来呢?可 能会有人取消预订。 12) Your reservation is confirmed. 您的预订已被确认。 13) I may register you on the phone. 我可以帮您在电话里注册。 14) Thanks. I’ll send you a letter to confirm your reservation soon. Anything else we can do for you? 谢谢。我很快会发一份预订确认信给您。还有什么我能为您效劳的吗?

Role Play: Situation: You are a booking clerk in Guangzhou International Center. A meeting planner wants to book a conference a t your property, and you have to make sure about date, number of participants, number of meeting rooms required, layouts of rooms, number of days, facilities required, any special requirements and some other information.

Thank You!