ME2016 ME2601 ME Course summary Johann Packendorff
Welcome to the course Why a course in project management? -Delivery projects -Development projects -Change projects -project-based firms -project management as profession and career
Aim To give participants comprehensive knowledge on project management in different types of industrial operations After passing the course successfully, the student shall be able to participate in industrial project work in their respective technological areas.
After passing the course, the participant shall be able to Describe why and how Project Management can be used to enhance the competitiveness of modern industrial organizations Describe the structure of Project Management as a field of knowledge and explain basic concepts of the field Describe the main characteristics and differences of/between industrial delivery projects, product development projects and internal development projects. Formulate project goals that are realistic, solution-neutral and evaluable Use tools such as WBS/PBS, OBS, Gantt and PERT/CPM for detailed time planning of a project, and also be able to choose what tools that should/should not be used Describe basic stage-gate models such as PROPS or PPS Describe a theoretical risk management process and use simplified tools such as Minirisk Describe a project budgeting process and explain the use of Earned Value Management Explain the relation between projects and permanent organizations, and describe what different solutions that exist in order to alleviate the problems inherent in that relation Explain the relation between projects and their external environments and apply a stakeholder management process to a specific project Describe the main tasks and responsibilities of project managers Analyse a real life project by means of Project Management concepts and tools, and give recommendations on how to improve the management of that project
Comprehensive written examination Questions aiming at reasoning, argumentation, analysis and reflection Mandatory sign-up for the examination through ”mina sidor” at no later than two weeks before the If you have problems signing up, please speak to Christer at the Indek student expedition. Re-examination (“omtenta”) according to the KTH schedule generator
Grade setting for each exam question Degree of quality/ effort Emax A
Concepts question Question 1 (5p): Define shortly the following project management concepts and state in what way(s) they are important to practical project management: Earned value Minirisk S-curve Virtual team Scope management process
Theory question Question 4 (6p): During the course we have discusses group dynamics and what phases a group goes through during its life cycle. The “basic theory” on group development describes how a totally new group where the members have never met each other is transformed into an effective work unit. Describe what phases a totally new group goes through and what the role of the project manager is in each phase. How are the phases and the tasks of the project manager affected if the group (1) is composed by people who have worked together before, or if it (2) has members who will work at other places in the world? Discuss these two cases, their pros and cons, in relation to the ”basic theory”.
Theory vs practice question Question 5 (9p): In project management literature, we often find discussions about four basic organizational forms for projects and their relation to permanent organizational contexts; (1) The functional organization model (linjemodellen), (2) Matrix organization with lightweight project manager (matris med lättviktsprojektledare), (3) Matrix organization with heavyweight project manager (matris med tungviktsprojektledare), and (4) Clear-cut project organization (fristående projektorganisation). For each of these organizational forms, you shall (a) describe what it means, (b) provide examples of for what projects the form is suitable and not suitable, and (c) describe advantages and drawbacks with the form from the perspective of the individual project manager who is to manage the project.
Mini-case question Question 2 (8p):One of your best friends has just been employed as a product development manager in a medium-size company (about 300 employees), that develops and sells advanced packaging machines to the food industry. He is a very skilled engineer, but he has never had any significant managerial positions before. After one week at the new job, he calls you and refers to your expertise in project management. Worried and anxious, he says that he has now taken over responsibility for something called “the project portfolio”, which is managed through a method called “PROPS” or something like that. He doesn’t understand anything of it. The next evening, you meet at his office, and he gives you the Power Point slide below. He wants you to explain it to him; what the different things mean, what the situation seems like right now, and what challenges that will meet him in the near future. Given what you learnt at the course on Industrial Project Management, what do you tell your friend?