Freewrite: How do you choose your friends?
by S.E. Hinton The Outsiders
Have you… or would you ever… Join a gang? Be able to live in a household without parents, with only your older brothers to take care of you? Get in a physical fight to “handle” a problem? Run away?
Have you… or would you ever… Enjoy a sunrise or sunset with a friend? Stand up for what you think is right, even though all those around you don’t agree? Write a book about your life?
The 1960s
The BeatlesElvis Presley
More of the 1960s
Social Classes Greasers poor like Elvis emotional; show their feelings feel too violently Socs have money liked the Beatles sophisticated and cool without feeling fight coldly and impersonally
IDENTITY What is it? How do you identify others? Can you form your own identity? Can you change your identity?
Freewrite: Which character thinks most like you?
Setting Movie house (1) Paul Newman (1) Beer blast (2) “I reckon” (3) Mustangs and Corvairs (4) Blades (4) Hair grease (5) Madras shirts (5) English Leather shaving lotion (5) “here in the Southwest” (11) “how about y’all” (14) “it only costs a quarter” (20) Dime store (24) Fifty-cent piece (30) Elvis & The Beatles (37)
Ponyboy Gray eyes, long hair (1) GREASER (1) Loves going to movies alone (2) Loves his brother Soda (2) Gets good grades (4) doesn’t use his head (4,50) Tried to hold back crying after being jumped (8) Doesn’t like Dally, but respects him (11) Thinks he can’t please Darry (13) Sometimes he hates Steve (14) Likes Soda’s girlfriend, Sandy (15) Thinks he can’t please Darry (13) Sometimes he hates Steve (14) Likes Soda’s girlfriend, Sandy (15) Looked down on by soc girls (15) Greasers deserve what they get sometimes (16) Thinks about the difference between greasers/socs (17) “Darry doesn’t love anyone or anything” (18) “I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.” (18)
“that kind of kicks just doesn’t appeal to me (21) “too sweet to scare anyone” (26) Doesn’t care for girls yet (31) Could talk to Cherry (39) Reads a lot (40) “he thinks I’m a pain in the neck” (42) “it ain’t fair” (43) Dreams about the country (48) “Don’t yell at him” (50) Darry hits Pony (50)
Darry (Darryl) Works hard and long hours (1) Rough without meaning to be (6) Muscular (6) Cold eyes (7) Doesn’t understand anything that is not plain hard fact (7) Scolds Pony (13) Was captain of the football team (16) Didn’t have enough money for college (16) Getting old before his time (43) Hits Pony (50)
Soda Sixteen (2) Understands everything (2) Very handsome (7, 18) Gets drunk on life (8) Comforted Pony when he was hurt (8) Makes everyone smile (8) Sticks up for Pony (13) “When Darry hollers at you…he don’t mean nothin’” (17) Tells Pony Darry loves him (17) Wants to marry Sandy (17) Drop out (23,43) Comforts Johnny (33) Mickey Mouse (39) “I’m tired of hearin’ you sticking up for him” (50)
Two-Bit rusty-colored side-burns (9) Always cracking jokes (10) Famous for shop-lifting (10) Couldn’t help himself from smarting off to the cops (10) Liked fights and school (10) Eighteen Called Socs names (12) Scared them at the movies (27) “he acts boozed up sometimes” (28) Jokes with Marcia (28) “nothing wrong with throwing a few punches” (29) Understood things (30) Broke a bottle and pulled out a switch (45) “I’m a little soused” (47)
Steve Soda’s best friend (4) Held off four guys with a busted pop bottle (4) Seventeen (9) Stole hubcaps (9) Knew all about cars (9) Doesn’t like Pony (9) Points out that Pony didn’t think (13) Hated his father (43)
Dallas Cold, hating eyes (10) Arrested at the age of 10 (10) Tougher, meaner, colder than the rest of the gang (10) Only had Socs to hate (11) Everything BAD (11) In the “cooler” (12) Out for good behavior (12) Stole two packs of cigarettes (19) Trying to break laws (20) Talked dirty at the movie to the girls (20) Stole two packs of cigarettes (19) Trying to break laws (20) Talked dirty at the movie to the girls (20) Didn’t tell Dally Winstone what to do (24) Punched a guy in a dime store (24) “Dally’s ok” (26) Looked sick when he saw Johnny beat up (33) “Dally had jumped people” (34)
Johnny Sixteen (4) Cried after being jumped (4) Really rough home life (4) Like a puppy who had been kicked too many times (11) Greased, jet-black hair (11) Nervous, suspicious eyes (11) Everyone’s “kid brother”- the gang’s pet (12, 25) Abused by his father; ignored by his mother (12) Only knew love from the gang (12) “always nervous around strangers” (24) “Leave her alone Dally” (24) “worshipped the ground Dallas walked on” (25) “too sweet to scare anyone” (26) Got jumped (32, 33) “I got scared” (33) “a nervous wreck from getting belted” (33) “had never been a coward” (34) Most law-abinding (34) Carried a switchblade (34) “Nobody was ever going to beat him again” (34)
Johnny….continued He was trembling (41) “you ain’t wanted at home (42) “we couldn’t get along without you (43) “I’ll kill myself or something” (47) “gotta be someplace wtihout greasers or Socs” (48)
Cherry Got mad at Dally (21) “leave us alone” (22) cheerleader (23) Threw a Coke at Dally (24) “I kind of admire him” said about Dally (27) “Not all of us are like that” (34) “We have troubles you’ve never even heard of” (34) “Things are rough all over” (35) “It’s not money, it’s feeling” (38) Watches sunsets (41) “we couldn’t let our parents see us with you all” (46) “I could fall in love with Dallas Winston” (46)
Free write: Who are you? What makes you unique? (physical characteristics, personality traits) What factors influence who you are? Why?
Character Activity Get into groups You will be assigned a character from The Outsiders You will create a poster that contains the following information about your character: –Physical characteristics –Personality traits –Relationship to other characters –Any other relevant information about your character –Pictures or drawings to help “show” who your character is Tomorrow we will share our posters with the class!
Assignment to write in your notebook: How is the character that you identified similar to or different from you? Does he/she remind you of someone you know?
Assignment to write in your notebook: Application to your life Write about a particular event that has impacted your life and shaped who you are. (experience, injury, death, trial, etc.)
Free write: Why do you think Johnny killed Bob? Do you think you would have reacted differently? If you were Ponyboy and Johnny, whom would you turn to for help? Why do you think they went to Dally?
Figurative Language Figurative language is used to make writing more interesting and meaningful to the reader. A metaphor is a type of figurative language
Metaphor States that one thing is another, and makes a comparison between two unlike things. “His eyes were blue, blazing ice…” –Dally’s eyes are being compared to ice because he looks at people coldly and with hate.
Metaphor examples: 1.“Her words were sugar” is a metaphor. Her words are being compared to sugar. What is being said about her words?
2. “It’s raining cats and dogs.” The rain is being compared to cats and dogs. What is being said about the rain?
3. “He is my fortress”. To what is “He” being compared? What is being said about him?
“Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost Frost uses the metaphor to communicate his message about young people. He begins by writing that nature’s first green, things such as new plants, trees, grass, and especially young people, are gold.
“Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down to day, Nothing gold can stay.
“Nothing Gold Can Stay”: Gold is a precious, and expensive, metal. What comparison can be made between “nature’s first green” and gold?
Another metaphor in Frost’s poem is “Her early leaf’s a flower.” Explain how nature’s “early leaf,” or someone’s youth, can be like a flower.
How is the youth of someone’s life “gold”?