Functional classification of IDPs Peter Tompa Institute of Enzymology Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest, Hungary
1. Functional advantages 2. Functional classification (7 basic mechanisms) 3. Functional classification (28 partners-effects) 4. The relationship of schemes: extension of the GO system?
1) Functional advantages of disorder
i) Entropic-chain functions
ii) Specificity without strong binding (reversibility, inducibility)
Gunasekaran (2004) JMB 341, 1327 Globular IDP iii) Large binding surfaces in complexes (specificity, multiple partners)
iv) Fast binding - first observed in DNA renaturation - hnRNAP A1 no protein Pontius (1990) PNAS 87, 8403
”Fly-casting” model Shoemaker B. A, (2000) PNAS Speeding molecular recognition by using the folding funnel: the fly-casting mechanism
”Protein fishing” model clathrin AP180
v) Binding promiscuity (one-to-many signaling, moonlighting)
Protein One (inhibitory) function Another (activatory) function Disord er IUPre d (%) PONDR ® (%) calpastatininhibition of calpainactivation of calpain * CFTR (R domain) inhibition of CFTRactivation of CFTR * DHPR (peptide C) inhibition of RyRactivation of of RyR * EBV SM down-regulation of intron-containing mRNA up-regulation of intron-less mRNA MDM2 ( ) down-regulation of p21 Cip1 activation of estrogen receptor 70.0 p21 Cip1 /p27 Kip1 inhibition of Cdkactivation of Cdk * PIAS1 ( ) inhibition of activated STAT activation of p PPI-2inhibition of PP1activation of PP1 * ribosomal L5 inhibition of MDM2 ubiquitin ligase activation/chaperoning of ribosome * securin inhibition of separase activation/chaperoning of separase * thymosin- (WH2 domain) sequestration of G- actin activation of actin polymerization, ILK kinase * IUPs with multiple talents: moonlighting
vi) Flexibility in the assembly of complexes
Disorder correlates with complex size Hegyi et al. (2007) BMC Struct. Biol. 7, 65 single
2) Functional classification: 7 basic mechanisms 7 basic mechanisms
Tompa (2005) FEBS Lett. 579, 3346 Six basic mechanisms of IDPs
IDP I: entropic chains IDP I: entropic chains
cytoskeleton MTs Tubulin dimers protein 2 Microtubule-associated protein 2
MAP projection domain: entropic bristle Mukhopadhyay (2001) FEBS Lett. 505, 374
Spacing of MTs in dendrites and axons
V-dependent K + -channel: entropic clock
Titin: an entropic spring (like a piece of rubber)
Titin PEVK domain: entropic spring
IDPs II: effectors IDPs II: effectors
FlgM: inhibitor of sigma28 transcription factor Plaxco and Gross (1997) Nature, 386, 657
p27: another effector, inhibitor of Cdk2
IDPs III: scavengers
Casein: rapid and high-capacity binding of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 Ca 2+ + PO 4 3- Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2
IDPs IV: assemblers 45
p27 Kip1 IA 3 FnBP Tcf3 CycA Cdk2 fibronectin -catenin Asp prot. Fibronectin binding protein
High-affinity binding to fibronectin, tethering bacteria to host Schwarz-Linek (2004) JBC 279, 39017
IDPs V: display sites
CREB KID phosphorylation induces binding to CBP KIX domain Radhakrishnan (1997) Cell 91, 741 CREB KID Ser 133 PKA
cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) activation
The ELM server
ELMs and local disorder Fuxreiter et al (2006) Bioinformatics, 23, 950
IDPs VI: chaperones
Prediction: very high level of disorder in chaperones regulatory signaling RNA chaperones protein chaperones
Disorder is involved in chaperone function
Tompa and Csermely (2004) Faseb J., 18, The entropy-transfer model of disordered chaperones binding S transfer misfolded folded IUP
IDPs VII: prions
Patholopgical prion: structure of PrP C (PHGGGWGQ) 5 A 127 GAAA*AGAVVGGLGG 133 GPI * * * * * * * * * P107L * P102L Amyloid: mad-cow disease
Prion form of Sup35: translation read-through
3) Functional classification: 28 partners-effects 28 partners-effects
Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002 protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown
protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown assembler effector chaperone Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002
protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown assembler effector chaperone entropic chain Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002
protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown assembler effector chaperone entropic chain prion Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002
protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown assembler effector chaperone entropic chain prion scavenger Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002
protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown assembler effector chaperone entropic chain prion scavenger display site Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002
protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown assembler effector chaperone entropic chain prion scavenger display site chaperone ? effector ? Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002
protein-protein binding protein-DNA binding protein-rRNA binding protein-tRNA binding protein-mRNA binding protein-genomic RNA binding protein-lipid interaction flexible linkers/spacers entropic spring entropic bristle entropic clock structural mortar protein detergent self-transport through channel polymerization substrate/ligand binding cofactor/heme binding metal binding acetylation fatty acylation (myristoyl/palmitoyl) glycosylation methylation phosphorylation ADP-ribosylation DNA unwinding DNA bending reg. of proteolysis in vivo autoregulatory not essential/unknown assembler effector chaperone entropic chain prion scavenger display site effector chaperone ? effector ? Functional classification of IDPs, Dunker 2002
4) Extension of the GO scheme ?
The Gene Ontology (GO) scheme Three ontologies mol. function biol. process cellular component MAP2