By Joel Najarro
Steps Toward Figuring Out Sight Singing! 1.Figure out the time signature and the counting 2.Figure out the key signature and the Solfège 3.Speak the Solfège and counting in time 4.Sing practice scale for ex (Do, Mi, Sol, Do, Sol, Mi, Do, Ti, Re, Do) 5.Sing the actual sight reading
Tips Solfège is a system of using syllables in place of a music note to help with sight reading To find “Do”, you will have to figure out the key signature of the sight reading The syllables are Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do. Also if used in a chromatic scale you would use Di, Ri, Fi, Si, Li if you were ascending and you would use Te, Le, Se, Me, Ra if descending To figure out your key signature with sharps on a sight reading exercise, go to the last sharp and go up one letter Also to figure out the key signature in flats go to the second to last one and that is your key except for “F” you will have to know that one flat means you are in key of “F”
Tips #2 It is good to skim the piece by looking at the dynamic changes and any special indications like “retard”, to go slow or “accelerando”, to speed up. Figure out cleft you are in for ex. Treble cleft, “F” cleft, Tenor, soprano, alto, and bass cleft. To figure out “c” in tenor, soprano, bass, alto cleft look at where the middle of the cleft is and it is “c” or, just remember “K” “C”