Clothing For the Baby 50 Lessons Over Easy 1
Buying Baby Clothes Clothes for a newborn should be easy to put on, machine washable, and if possible made from natural fibers, which allow your baby to regulate his or her own temperature as well as he or she can 2
Basic Clothing Items Several stretch suit, several undershirts, a sweater, nightgown, several pairs of socks, fabric booties, tie on mittens, sun hat, and warm hat padded outdoor clothes 3
Tips for changing a babies clothes 4
Be Prepared Set out the baby's clothes ahead of time on the bed or changing table 5
Be Cautious Never leave your baby unattended on the bed or changing table – even if the baby has never rolled over before 6
Use easy –To-Dress Clothes Select clothes with large head opening before you try to put it over the baby's head. Also pull the baby's hands out of the sleeves instead of pushing the baby's arm through 7
Be Well Grounded Never try to change your baby’s in the car or while you are in motion 8
Don’t Overdress Babies can become overheated when overdressed. A good rule of thumb is to dress the baby like you are dressed and then add one additional layer 9
Use The Time To Play With The Baby Sing songs, make noises, maintain eye contact, etc… It will stimulate your baby’s growth and development 10
Be Careful Of Zipper and Snaps Pull opening away from baby when you zip or snap to avoid catching the baby’s skin 11
Baby Equipment Complete the notes as they are read aloud. Due at the end of class. 12