Council Structure UNINCORPORATED GOVERNING BODY – Steering committee (elected) limited to 15 govt members (most local, some state) who sign a letter of agreement; meets 1/month. NON-VOTING PARTICIPANTS – Associates: govt agencies, associations, businesses and NGOs- participate in subcommittees and on listserv; sign pledge of support. Community Members: everyone else. COORDINATION – consultant. PROJECT SUBCOMMITTEES – Report to the steering committee. FUNDING – functions and projects funded directly by agencies; grants. ORGANIZATION: 501(c)(3) GOVERNING BODY – Board of Directors of 5-11 Associates (= local government only). Monthly meeting of associates and board of directors. (First 1.5 yrs loose steering cmtee.) NON-VOTING PARTICIPANTS – Partners: state and federal govt. people; NGOs, individuals, businesses that sign pledge. Stakeholders: everyone else. COORDINATION– E.D. (contractor). PROJECT SUBCOMMITTEES – Report to the board. (Policy) FUNDING – Associates fees, foundation grants (considering partner donations). NWPSC 1998 CPSC 2006
Mission Statement NWPSCCPSC To to shift Washington and Oregon’s product waste management system from one focused on government funded and ratepayer financed waste disposal and waste diversion to one that relies on producer responsibility in order to reduce public costs, increase accessibility to services, attain higher environmental benefits and drive improvements in product design that promote environmental sustainability. To shift California’s product waste management system from one focused on government funded and ratepayer financed waste diversion to one that relies on producer responsibility in order to reduce public costs and drive improvements in product design that promote environmental sustainability.
Mission Statement, cont. NWPSCCPSC Mission (First part): Work together and with other governments, businesses and nonprofit groups to integrate product stewardship (producer responsibility) principles into the policy and economic structures of the Pacific Northwest. Vision: Producers have the primary responsibility to establish, fund and manage end of life systems for their products with Sate government setting the performance goals and ensuring accountability and transparency.
Organizational Goals NWPSCCPSC Coordinate PS efforts in the Pacific Northwest and with national PS initiatives. Build capacity and knowledge among local governments and other stakeholders, to bring about producer financed and managed systems for product discards, including but not limited to, products deemed hazardous at end-of-life. Provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas to promote EPR programs.
Organizational Goals cont. NWPSCCPSC Develop and recommend PS policies to organizations, institutions, governments, legislatures and legislators. Provide effective leadership on PS initiatives in the region. Educate elected officials and decision makers on PS. Develop and recommend practical local and statewide EPR policy and educational tools such as model ordinances and legislation, newsletters, articles, policy briefings, etc. Provide effective leadership on PS initiatives in the region. Educate elected officials and decision makers on PS.