FWO: Where discoveries begin Research Foundation - Flanders dr. Benno Hinnekint, Director
2 Content Some key figures and features FWO in short
3 Key figures Flanders inhabitants (on a belgian total of ) A surface area of km 2 R&D expenditures in Flanders (2008): Public sector: 0,69 % - target 1 % GDP Private sector: 1,40 % - target 2 % GDP
4 Institutions on the tertiary education level 6 Universities 22 Advanced Schools
5 Main instruments and actions Support fundamental research at universities Special Research Fund (BOF) of the universities Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
6 Key features of FWO FWO is an independent Flemish agency Founded in 1928 Funding basic research in the universities Budget: 184 Mio EUR (2008)
7 Funding instruments Individual Support Fellowships - Research Grants - Travel Grants Supporting Research Teams Research projects Brain gain (Odysseus) Big Science support International Contacts and networking Private prizes
8 Evaluation and selection Interuniversity competition Bottom-up initiative FWO evaluation: peer review External referees Scientific committees (31)
9 Main goals (1) More young researchers Increase of the applications doubled in 5 year Extension total file predoctoral researchers from 620 to 848 (by 2011) + bench fee Extension total file postdoctoral researchers from 492 to 770 (by 2011) + bench fee + eventual mobility allowance
10 Main goals (2) More female scientists Several family friendly measures 50% predoctoral are women 36% postdoctoral are women Increase of the number of female scientific committee members from 11% to 20%
11 Key figures Annual budget 2008: 184 million EUR Fellowships41% Projects52% International co-operation4% Administrative management3%
12 Scientific Fields
13 International Co-operation – Overview (1) Scientific Research Networks Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowships Grants to attend congresses abroad Grants for stays abroad Grants to organise congresses in Belgium Bilateral scientific co-operation (18 countries)
14 International Co-operation – Overview (2) Participation in international programmes European co-operation (ESF, ERA, …) Coordination of international projects Bilateral Research Cooperation (USA, China, Vietnam, Ecuador, South-Africa)