What do you do when the consumer either does not want your product, or does not want to pay attention to your message? Use Persuasion / Compliance Techniques 1) Use Attention Getting Devices 2) Appeal to Attitudinal Consistency 3) Use Sequential Request Techniques 4) Appeal to their Norm of Reciprocity
Attention Getting Devices Show concern for customer –Student loan consolidators... Tell them it’s Local Organization –Portales Charity Name Recognition Letter in the mail... –Personalization techniques
Appeal to Need for Attitudinal Consistency Get consumer to say yes. –Increases likelihood of saying yes again –Would you like to win a new Chevy Blazer? We thank you for your support in the past, Mr. Stockmyer –some completely bogus
Sequential Request Techniques 1) Foot-in-the-Door –Get agreement on small donation, then go for a larger amount –Initial request may not be monetary... 2) Door-in-Face –Ask for a LARGE donation, get turned down, then go for a more reasonable amount –You’re a real jerk if you can’t give $5.00
Sequential Request Techniques 3) “Lowballing” –Get an initial agreement to buy, then reveal hidden costs Optional Alarms in wife’s car Magazine girl 4) That’s not all technique –Either reduce the price at the end of ad, or offer “Free” bonus products to make the deal seem better Infomercials
Appeal to Norm of Reciprocity People feel the need to repay favors Even for small amounts like 10 cents Ever receive a penny or nickel in mail? Free Stamp to order magazines