The American Civil War Jeffrey Johnson
The American Civil War Timeline of Secession Battles of 1861 Battles of 1862 Battles of 1863 Battles of 1864 Battle of 1865 People Sources
Timeline of Secession November 6, 1860:Lincoln is elected President of the United States of America. November 14, 1860:Alexander Stephens gives a speech in the Georgia legislature on secession. November 30, 1860:Mississippi legislature passes resolution in favor of secession.
Timeline of Secession December 20, 1860:South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession. January 3, 1861:Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. January 4, 1861:Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. January 5, 1861:Alabama seizes Fort Morgan and Gaines.
Timeline of Secession January 6, 1861:Florida seizes Apalachichola arsenal. January 7, 1861:Florida seizes Fort Marion. January 8, 1861:Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off. January 9, 1861:Mississippi secedes.
Timeline of Secession January 9, 1861:Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor. January 10, 1861:Florida secedes. January 10, 1861:Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip. January 11, 1861:Alabama secedes.
Timeline of Secession January 11, 1861:Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital. January 14, 1861:Louisiana seizes Fort Pike. January 19, 1861:Georgia secedes. January 26, 1861:Louisiana secedes. February 1, 1861:Louisiana secedes.
Timeline of Secession February 8, 1861:Provisional Constitution of the Confederacy adopted in Montgomery, AL. February 8, 1861:Arkansas seizes U.S. Arsenal at Little Rock. February 12, 1861:Arkansas seizes U.S. ordnance stores at Napoleon.
Timeline of Secession February 18, 1861:Jefferson Davis inaugurated as President of the Confederacy. March 4, 1861:Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as 16th President of the United States. April 12, 1861:Fort Sumter fired upon by Confederates.
Timeline of Secession