A Management Tool David Goldsmith E-Matrix Oct 27 th, EPA Meeting NCSU Libraries
Classic Integrated System MARC Records item holdings serial holdings Patron Records circ transactions reserve records Acquisitions Records websites (856) e-books e-journals databases datasets WEBPAC Patron self- service Serials Control Records
Dis-integrated Library System websites (856) e-books e-journals databases alpha list of databases subject list of databases e-journal finder Serials Solutions TDNet web subject guides Licensing Files ILL Files Collection Management Files Helpdesk Files Statistical Files institutional repository Authentication & Authorization MyLibrary alert services SFX
NCSU Libraries E-matrix CHARGE The ad hoc E-Matrix Committee will implement a prototype electronic resources management system to support acquisition and licensing, collection management, and resource discovery for the Libraries' electronic resources
NCSU Libraries E-matrix CHARGE (cont) define the need survey best practices and related local and national initiatives define functional specifications for the system build a data model which maximizes opportunities for present and future interoperability with existing systems (e.g., ILS, MyLibrary, Serials Solutions, PeopleSoft) and utilization of existing or emerging standards (e.g., OpenURL, EDI, XML) implement a prototype.
Electronic Resource Management Innovative Interfaces’ ERM Endeavor ENCompass Sirsi SingleSearch Ex Libris MetaLib CARL Goldrush EBSCO EJS MuseGlobal Various Ejournal Finders DLF Electronic Resource Management Initiative California Digital Library Cornell University Emory University Griffith University Johns Hopkins Kansas State University MIT Penn State Tri-CollegeConsortium UCLA University of Georgia University of Minnesota University of Washington Yale University Vendor EffortsLibrary Efforts cts/elicensestudy/ Or Google=web hub
licensing statistics subscript- ion info technical support remote access evaluative data PRESENTATION LAYER ADMINISTRATIVE METADATAADMINISTRATIVE METADATA E-MATRIXE-MATRIX ILSILS Other Databases: E-journal finder SFX ETDs Instn’l Repository Etc. DATA HOOKS Website Catalog E-resources Alert Services Local DBs & Collections Digital Archives Data Repos- itories vendor data Evaluative Tools E-MATRIX
E-matrix Challenges Public interface is secondary concern Leveraging existing ILS data Adherence to emerging standards Avoid solutions looking for problems
What Do We REALLY Want Evaluation tool- DBs, ejournals, serials Licensing management tool Tool that will allow library to leverage the authoritative ILS database with the other descriptive and administrative metadata for comprehensive display & management
Getting started Stakeholders: Cataloging, Acquisitions, Serials, and Collection Management Identify data that are already being kept Identify data that are needed for evaluation, longevity, and various services
What Did We Do? Formed more groups Database evaluation Statistics Licensing Metadata/Data Elements ILS Data Interface
Emerging Standards XML Schema for E-resource Management Workflow, specifications, data elements, schema CONSER, LC, and the gang NISO/EDItEUR Serial subscription data exchange Liblicense Basic terms and contracts for licensing electronic resources COUNTER and E-Metrics Statistical counts OpenURL, HANDLE, PURL, Global registry Persistent identifiers Shibboleth: Internet2/Mace authentication project
What Did We Do Next? ILS MIGRATION the ultimate excuse DLF Electronic Resource Management Initiative they didn’t take the last 6 months off… “Borrowed” DLF’s data element scheme/definitions Added additional elements for NCSU’s needs Mapped to our existing data sources Expanded scope to include print subscriptions - Collection Enrichment Project
Data Elements Descriptive –Title, identifiers, provider, holdings (27) Licensing – Parties, terms of use, rights, business terms (74) Access – URI, authorization, proxy (10) Administrative – Accounts, configuration, usage statistics, tech support, contact info (51) Evaluative – Resource assessment, impact, faculty contact enrichment (20)
Current Development Data Modeling Data Migration Workflow Design/Interface Data Hooks
Future Development Enhance statistical elements/tools as data becomes normalized Use data to populate public interface – OPAC/Website Integrate the ILS
SUMMARY E-MATRIX is a management tool It is being designed to hook into other resources/datasets as needed E-MATRIX is a management tool Thank you More information