Communicating Data for Impact Feb 10, 2015 Hashtag: #data4impact
The Crimean War ( )
Poor Hospital Conditions (and bad data collection)
To understand God’s thoughts, we must study statistics, for these are the measures of His purpose. To understand God’s thoughts, we must study statistics, for these are the measures of His purpose. Florence Nightingale
You complain that your report would be dry. The dryer the better. Statistics should be the dryest of all reading. You complain that your report would be dry. The dryer the better. Statistics should be the dryest of all reading. William Farr
The Audience
Nightingale’s Rose Notes on Matters Affecting Health, Efficiency, and Hospital Administration of the British Army (1858)
Impact of Nightingale’s Data Reporting ‣ Immediate improvements in sanitary conditions in wartime hospitals ‣ Establishment of the Royal Commission on the Health of Army ‣ Establishment of first Army Medical College in Great Britain ‣ Establishment of Sanitary Department within the Indian government ‣ Countless lives saved
Communicating Data for Impact Communicating Data for Impact by Brian Pagels, Nam-ho Park, and Peter Speyer
Data Communication Approach ‣ Story you’re trying to tell ‣ Audience you are trying to influence ‣ Nature, size, complexity of data ‣ Design and/or technical capacity ‣ Available software/tools
Deep DhillonNoah IliiskyPeter Speyer
Knowledge Café
#data4impact Knowledge Café 1.Speakers present cliff hangers 2.Audience divides into 3 groups 3.Audience moves to designated rooms 4.Speaker leads 3 x 20 mins sessions 5.Regroup for wrap and questions
Communicating Data for Impact Feb 10, 2015 Hashtag: #data4impact
Wrap up
Thank You. Communicating Data for Impact