Hunks and Chunks by: Mrs. Panagakis
S-H sh sh sh S-H sh sh Sh Finger to your lips
C-H ch ch ch Do the Cha-cha dance
This is a thorn and that is a thisle T-H th th th Place one hand out in front of you and then the other hand
O-W ow going down D-O-W-N Pretend you are pinching yourself Then squat down to the ground Jump up on N in down
Sometimes you say ow, but sometimes you say O, when you see O-W at the end of a word! Pretend you are pinching yourself ow Arms up like muscles for O Point behind you with both thumbs
O-U ou, O-U-T Get out of here you bumble bee Pretend you are pinching yourself Then hand motion pointing back behind you with thumbs
O-O oo Hand in shape of O move across chest
O-O oo Hand crossed in front of heart
I-N-G ing ing ing Hands beside eyes like robot Jump 3 times
A-L-L A-L-L all all all Hands together in front of you. Then open them up as you say all all all
A-R ar ar ar Stick your hand in a jar of stars A-R ar ar ar Pretend you are sticking Your hand in a jar
O-R or or or We want more fish please or or or Clap like a seal when you Say or
O said to a, Oh I love you and a said absolutely nothing. So when you see oa you say O. Hand in front of your heart “oh I love you” Then finger over your lips “a said absolutely nothing” Two o’s with hands next to your head when you say o
I-G-H I-G-H, igh, igh, igh Point to your eyes
When scaredy cat e saw scaredy cat a, they ran into each other and say eeeeeeeeeee Put one hand out in front of you then the other hand Then both hands make sign language e in front of neck
When you see the double e you say e e, it’s a bumble bee party. Swing side to side and snap fingers
A-y ay ay ay Hey do you want to play? Swish! score Hooray! But don’t forget this The letters A-Y ay ay ay they’re at the end of the word And don’t you forget Dribble ball ay ay ay Then jump and “basket” Swish! score Horray! Point to brain but don’t you forget Dribble ball ay ay ay Point behind you with both Thumbs “They’re at the end of the work” Point to brain don’t you forget
A said to I hey get out of my way I’m saying a today. So when you see ai you say a. When you see ai you say a Point behind you with both thumbs Then make muscles with both Arms when you say A
E-I-G-H eigh eigh One fist up next to head then Second fist up next to head
We’re taking a ride on the motorcycle, it’s I-R ir and Hand out like you are riding a motorcycle
And U-R ur in the middle of the word but it’s Hand flat together in front of you and making chopping motion
E-R er E-R er at the end of the word Point behind you with both thumbs
O-Y oy oy oy O-y oy oy oy At the end of the word Jump three times in circle
But it’s O-I oi oi oi In the middle of the word Point to mouth with both pointer fingers
T-I-O-N tion tion Clap when you say tion tion
S-I-O-N sion sion Clap when you say sion sion
When you see PH you don’t say PH you F f f f Hand like phone up to ear
When you see KN you don’t say KN you n n n Knock on knee three times
WR shhhh don’t wake the W shhhh don’t wake the W r r r Finger to lip shhh Pretend you are writing
When you see ed at the end of a root word you say, D da or T ta or even E-D ed Pull up like you are pulling a root
W-H W-H wh wh wh It’s a question word : Who What When Where Why and Which Hand up like you are confused Then move one hand after the other up and down as you say the question words
A-W aw Pet paw/hand
A-U au Hands are on steering wheel Fast and frantic
A-U-G-H-T aught Pretend you are catching something
O-U-G-H-T ought Look what I bought Hands out in front of you like you are carrying something
E-W ew Hands on heart when making ew sound
U-I ui Point to someone then to self Trace heart in air and then hands on heart
I-O-N I-O-N ion ion Pretend you are pulling an onion
I-C-E ice ice I-C-E ice ice Hand cross in front of chest quickly when you say ice
A-C-E A-C-E ace ace I can ace this! Sweep something off shoulder, this is a breeze