Case Presentation Son Eui Young Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
Chief Complaint n 67/F, Both knee pain –Onset : 20YA
Present Illness n 20 년전부터 시작된 양슬관절 통증 (Left > Right) n 최근 2 년동안 악화됨 n 평지나 계단 오를 때, 쪼그려 앉거나 일어날 때 통증 호소, 계단 내려가는 것은 아파서 못한다. n Trauma history : 없음
Present Illness n 보존적 치료에도 호전 없어 인공관절 수술 결정 n – 수술적 치료 위해 입원
Past Medical History n 고혈압 (No) 당뇨병 (No) n 결핵 (No) 간염 (No) n 알레르기 (No) 항생제 알레르기 (No)
Review of System n Fever/chill (-/-) n Sore throat/rhinorrhea/sneezing (-/-/-) n Cough/sputum/hemotpysis (-/-/-) n Dyspnea/orthopnea (-/-) n Nausea/vomiting (-/-) n Constipation/diarrhea (-/-) n Hematemesis/melena/hematochezia (-/-/-)
Physical Examination n Vital sign ( :54) –BP135/81 mmHgRR86.0/min –RR18/minBT35.6 ℃ n Knee ROM –FC5/5FF150/150 –Varus5/10PCT+++/+++ –Crepitus +/++
Knee X-ray
Problem List 1. Both knee pain 2. Knee effusion, Crepitus 3. Asymmetric knee joint narrowing
Assessment n Advanced Osteoarthritis knee, bilateral n Rheumatoid arthritis n Knee Fracture
Operation n : Left TKA n : Right TKA
Post-op. X-ray
Progressive Note n (POD 7) –Vital sign stable, Pain tolerable –Wound clear, No immediate complication
Case Review n K-L Classification –Estimation of Osteoarthritis Severity n OS – Treatment n Simultaneous bilateral TKA
K-L classification n Kellgren-Lawrence grading scale n Grade 1: –doubtful narrowing of joint space and possible osteophytes
K-L classification n Grade 2 –definite osteophytes, definite narrowing of joint space
K-L classification n Grade 3 –moderate multiple osteophytes, definite narrowing of joints space, some sclerosis and possible deformity of bone contour
K-L classification n Grade 4 –large osteophytes, marked narrowing of joint space, severe sclerosis and definite deformity of bone contour
OA – Treatment n Education –Posture, habit, occupation – 지팡이 등의 보조기구 – 체중 감량 초기중기말기 파 스파 스 NSAIDs 스테로이드 주사 Hyaluronic acid 주사 관절경 수술 인공관절 치환수술
OA – Treatment n Medication –Oral : NSAIDS, COX-2 inhibitor, Tramadol, Hydrochloride –Injection : Hyaluronan, Glucocorticoid n Surgery –Osteotomy –Arthroplasty, Arthrodesis
Simultaneous bilateral TKA n 비용은 58% 정도 저렴 (by campbell’s) n 추가 입원 일 수 증가 (Bi 89%, Uni 45%) n Postop. Thrombocytopenia 증가 n Blood loss 량 증가 n DVT, PE 발생율 증가 n 80 세 이상에서는 cadiovascular 와 neurological complication 증가 Comorbidity 와 physiological age 가 고려되어야 함
References n CAMPBELL’s Operative Orthopedics 11 th Ed.