Second International Seville Seminar on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA): Impacts on policy and decision making 28 th - 29 th September 2006 Implications for Our Practice of FTA of the 20 th Century Revolution in Ontology and Epistemology Ruben Nelson Foresight Canada
Implications for Our Practice of FTA My Orientation
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Wisdom 'The trouble with people is not that they don't know, but that they know so much that ain't so.' Josh Billings
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Insight ‘It matters when a people are cast into history.' Northrop Frye
Implications for Our Practice of FTA THE GREAT DANGER – Overshoot Continuing behaviours that have been successful, long after the conditions that made them successful have evolved into a fundamentally new state “Onward” or “Pioneering Again?”
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Core Industrial Assumptions “X” exists and can be understood without “Y” Reality does not participate in change
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Possibilities for Consciousness and Culture Ontological Assumptions Epistemic Assumptions Contextual Reality and Knowing Piece Meal Reality and Knowing Static Reality Dynamic Reality
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Traditional Settled Consciousness and Culture Ontological Assumptions Epistemic Assumptions Contextual Reality and Knowing Piece Meal Reality and Knowing Static Reality Dynamic Reality
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Industrial Consciousness and Culture Ontological Assumptions Epistemic Assumptions Contextual Reality and Knowing Piece Meal Reality and Knowing Static Reality Dynamic Reality
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Post-Modern Consciousness Ontological Assumptions Epistemic Assumptions Contextual Reality and Knowing Piece Meal Reality and Knowing Static Reality Dynamic Reality
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Emerging Consciousness and Culture Ontological Assumptions Epistemic Assumptions Contextual Reality and Knowing Piece Meal Reality and Knowing Static Reality Dynamic Reality
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Paths Forward Ontological Assumptions Epistemic Assumptions Contextual Reality and Knowing Piece Meal Reality and Knowing Static Reality Dynamic Reality Traditional & SettledEmerging & Settled
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Industrial FTA Emerging FTA Knowledge is certain Un-reflexive bias Self-knowledge optional Individuals can know Focus on pieces; context is optional Systemically superficial Consciousness is irrelevant Knowing always uncertain Reflexivity required Self-knowledge necessary Knowing is a necessarily a community activity Integral view of pieces in context; systems Multi-layered; depth Consciousness matters
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Industrial FTA Emerging FTA Reality is given Accept cultural context & project Private IP, serve the market Technology is just a tool “Technology transfer” Use is ethical Social realities are co-created Transcend cultural context & project Open source, serve the community Technology carries consciousness “Knowledge utilization” Knowing is ethical
Implications for Our Practice of FTA The New Requirement The most fundamental work in the 21 st Century – for all persons, organizations and whole societies – is to become conscious architects and intentional co- creators of new ways of living that truly fit the unique conditions that are emerging in the 21 st Century.
Implications for Our Practice of FTA What WE DO Matters Our world confronts rapid and potentially profound transitions... It is increasingly clear that today’s decisions could play a decisive role in determining whether the 21 st Century offers peace and prosperity or crisis and collapse. The Challenge of Long-Term Policy Analysis Rand Corporation
Implications for Our Practice of FTA Thank YOU! Our Future is in Our Hands, Minds and Hearts