10 th Vocab #3
Divulge I’m so mad at my best friend because she divulged who I have a crush on. Verb To share information that is not intended for public knowledge; tell a secret
Entitled Under Colorado law, full time employees are entitled to health coverage. Verb To be to be deserving of something
Auspicious My horoscope said today would be very auspicious, so I bought a lottery ticket. Adj Fortunate or lucky
Chasm The climber had to be careful not to fall into the chasm while on her summit attempt. Noun A deep hole or ravine in the earth or rock
Askew It was so windy that may hair was askew by the time I got into school. Noun not straight, at an angle; out of line/messed up
Noxious The school had to be evacuated because of the noxious fumes. Adj Harmful, poisonous, very unpleasant
Innovative Steve Jobs developed many innovative uses of technology during his lifetime. Adj Advanced, modern, or forward thinking
Despondent Mike was despondent after failing to qualify for the Olympics by.002 seconds. Adj Showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom
Appalling The animals were kept in such appalling conditions that they all were removed from the home. Adj Terrible, awful, horrifying
Ostentatious Many reality TV stars drive ostentatious cars when really they don’t have that much money. adjective Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice. pompous