Keys to Culture Understanding Lifestyles Around the World Understanding Lifestyles Through Time
What is Culture? A way of life of a group of people—the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols—passed along from generation to generation by education and imitation
Survival Needs Food Shelter Clothing Health: Physical & Emotional Recreation What is “American” food? What food from another culture do you enjoy?
Survival Needs: Shelter
Clothing What is your most important/favorite piece of clothing? Are you a “Fashionista”?
Health “Modern” “Scientific” “Western” Medicine Reliance on pharmaceuticals/drugs Traditional Natural Homeopathic Shaman “Witchdoctor” “Medicine Man”
Time to Reflect and Summarize: Look over your notes. Take a minute to think about this topic and what you’ve learned. Then add ideas and details to your notes to make sure they are adequate. Add your personal response or thoughts. Add questions that you have about this aspect of culture.