PER15K Protocols for Equipment Rated Greater Than 15,000 PSI ECS Report
PER15K Scope of Work-Oct ‘08 Scope and Objective The purpose of this work is to meet the industry needs for a common design verification and validation testing protocol for HPHT1 equipment (as defined by MMS NTL 2007-G07). This process should not impact existing field-proven product designs and does not include all tests required for all products. This work should incorporate experience and lessons learned from prior API verification and validation efforts. The objective of this Resource Group is to: 1. Develop the protocol/methodology; 2. Communicate this overarching protocol/methodology to the regulatory authorities; and 3. Ensure standardization of the protocol/methodology for other components. Deliverables Phase I: The HPHT Resource Group will deliver a review document or series of documents containing a draft standard methodology for the development of safe, reliable, fit-for-use products for HTHP equipment as defined by MMS (NTL 2007-G07) or other regulatory agency. These documents will include: Establishment of product essential design inputs with extra consideration given to extreme environments and possible combined loads, Product design and analysis techniques used in product verification (See Figure 2 and 3 for an example), Identification of product reliability requirements and potential failure modes unique to HPHT well completions, Product validation and recommended acceptance criteria and, Identification of ongoing data collection and product performance feedback recommendations, Development of documentation will be aligned with API standards policy for “performance standards.” The intent is to revise Phase II & Phase III after review of the document produced in Phase I.
Re-Scoping of the PER15K Committee a. The team has progressed to the following state: 1.Verification is currently writing a scoped down part of the verification scope/analytical methods are intended for metallic, mono-bloc, pressure-containing equipment at HPHT pressures (>15 ksi) or temperatures (>350 F). 2.Validation has a draft concept (FMEA) and used this on the choke valve example (6HP). Nothing in writing. 3.Materials has a draft table of contents of there section and has identified a list of materials to be used in HPHT environment. b. Work scope that needs to be addressed: 1.Verification of pressure controlling equipment, Metallic equipment intended to operate in a post-yield stress state; Non-metallic, pressure- retaining/controlling components such as seals, BOP Rams, etc., and Performance limits in H2S or corrosive environments. 2.Validation needs a writing session or a contract editor.. 3.Material need a writing session, contract editor.
Re-Scoping of the PER15K Committee c. Alternatives offered to meet the remaining work scope: 1.Invite the SC's to review there existing documents for any HPHT specification, RP, TP, etc that are out there that can be included in PER15K. 2.Request more participation from the SC. PER15K has invite SC to send a representative to the PER15K. So far PER15K has: SC5 (P. Cernocky/B. Urband), SC17 (B. Skeels), SC19 (A. Freeman), SC20 (G. Devlin), SC6 (Terry Cook) and SC16 (Mel Whitby). 3.Ask specific committees for feedback on the PER15K protocol. Recommend 17 to apply what we have so far on a 15ksi subsea tree, SC5 to apply this to connection testing and SC 19 to apply our PER15K concepts to 14A downhole safety valve. 4.Contract technical editors to provide drafts for Validation and Materials and pressure controlling Verification. Continue with the editing the draft Verification. d. The following guidelines should be used in writing the PER15K: 1.This is a guidance document for the SC for their components. 2.The document should be a collection of best practices and guidance from already existing industry standards. 3.Meet the Jan 10 deadline with what we have as a draft. 4.The document should include guidance for interfaces and a systems approach.
6 Proposed Timeline for PER15K Manufacturer’s Subgroup
Proposed Materials Protocol Technical Report/Document Outline 1.Introduction 2.Purpose and Scope 3.Failure Mechanisms in HPHT and industry examples from literature 4.Industry defined materials testing protocols to address design criteria for failure mechanisms (ASTM, ISO, NACE, etc.) 5.Listed materials of interest for HPHT 6.Industry documents and guidelines for materials selections with performance properties (API 579, NACE MR 01 75/ISO 15156, Reference Curve, correlations, etc.) 7.Data from MMS and AWHEM for materials of interest. i.e. F22 8.Method of inclusion of new data into Materials Protocol for reference 9.References
Current HPHT Materials of Interest List of Potential Material for HPHT Testing Yield (ksi)Surface UseSubSurface Use 75/80F229 Cr 1 Mo 13 Cr410 F6NM13 Cr 8630M 90F F6NM 8630M 110 UNS N09925 (Incoloy ® alloy 925) UNS N0718 (Incoloy ® alloy 718) S17400 (174 pH) UNS N09935 (alloy 935) 125 UNS N09945 (Incoloy ® alloy 945) UNS N0718 (Incoloy ® alloy 718) UNS N0725 (Incoloy ® alloy 725) UNS N07716 (Inconel ® alloy 625) 140 Selective - UNS N09925 (Incoloy ® alloy 925) N/A Selective -UNS N0718 (Incoloy ® alloy 718) UNS N07716 (Inconel ® alloy 625)
Changes to Design Verification Manuscript The manuscript 6HP Rev 5 is being rewritten by a Writing Work Group, members from 13 diverse companies. There is broad representation. This WG reports to the Design Verification TG. The draft will filter up to the Design Verification TG and then to the PER15K committee (for voting). Many changes are in progress; Most important: Changes to the scope (from 6HP). For the revisions thus far, there has been a shift to growing consensus of support within the Writing WG.
Change to Design Verification Scope Design Verification Scope: Leaves to the API Equipment SC the choice of design factors and the choice of what performance limits to accept (if it chooses). States that the analytical methods are intended for metallic, mono-bloc, pressure-containing equipment at HPHT pressures (>15 ksi) or temperatures (>350 F). States that following are presently outside the scope: –Metallic equipment intended to operate in a post- yield stress state –Non-metallic, pressure-retaining/controlling components such as seals, BOP Rams, etc. –Performance limits in H 2 S or corrosive environments Making progress - increased consensus of support.
Change to Design Verification Scope Not “shall”, “must”, “require”. Not a standard. Not specified design factors. It provides a protocol for analysis; how to perform advanced analysis; determine what analysis is needed and perform the needed analysis. It recommends to multiple resources for the analytical methods (API 579, BS 7910, ISO TR 10400). Verification Protocol uses the stress-limit, strain-limit, and cyclic-limit methodologies from ASME Div 2&3. Verification Protocol DOES NOT require the interpretation of design performance as laid out by ASME Div 2&3 ASME Div 2&3 analytical interpretation are being used as reference only.
Design Validation Process Define Requirement Environment Testing Identify Failure modes Analyze Design Test for Failure mode Test DOE ALT … Validate Demonstration test Process Control Implement design Manufacturing Maintain design reliability Production Operations
RCM General Model USACERL Technical Report 99/41 April 1999