Proposed Priority Actions By NSF Goals (before group work) By Rose Nalwadda 1 st February 2006
GOAL 1: REDUCE HIV PREVALENCE BY 25% Output 1.1: The effectiveness of the BCC strategy for safe sexual behavior promotion analyzed and better targeted BCC activities implemented –1.1.1 Undertake an analysis of the effectiveness of the various BCC strategies Deeper understanding of the socio-economic environment to explain the low behavior change is critical as we move into the next planning phase –1.1.2 Revise and operationalise a comprehensive BCC strategy. The epidemic has changed as revealed by the sero-survey and requires different prevention strategies and requires Design and implement BCC activities targeting specific vulnerable groups While there is a general shift in the prevalence pattern, there are groups that are adversely affected and require urgent attention as revealed by the sero survey
Goal 1Cont’d Output 1.2 Access to and information on effective use of condoms enhanced –1.2.1 Conduct a study on strengthening national condom and other key AIDS commodities distribution systems Procurement and distribution limitations constrain access –1.2.2 conduct sensitization and awareness activities on condom use The recent Ngabo condom quality issues have to be addressed to sustain utilization –1.2.3 Develop and manage a multi-stakeholder Procurement Plan of HIV/AIDS Commodities (condoms, VCT test kits, etc)
Goal1cont’d Output 1.3 VCT activities deepened in existing centres and VCTservices extended to pioneer HC IIIs –1.3.1 Recruit and train health workers in VCT centers (Transfer to the human resource database cost 3.4.1) –1.3.2 Integrate ART/PMTCT/TB in the VCT services The likely synergy and efficiency in service delivery have not been fully explored and the greater need to integrate prevention and care –1.3.3 Train peer educators in secondary schools in Counseling and Life skills The PIACY has focused at the primary level, urgent need to roll it to secondary level given the pattern of prevalence among the youth
Goal 2a: Mitigate the Health effects of HIV/AIDS and improve the quality ofPHAs Output 2.1 Access to palliative care information and services to PHAs scaled up –2.1.1 Undertake effective planning and treatment of OIs A comprehensive treatment package for quality care and support –2.1.2 expand access to ARTs/PMTCT services To contribute to the agenda towards universal access to prevention, treatment, and care and support
Goal 2a Cont’d Integrate nutrition support and counseling for PHAs and their families in all ART accredited centers –Good nutrition is key in ART treatment and little has been done to systematically incorporate it in the treatment package Mobilize and support community based palliative care support for PHA
GOAL 2(b): Mitigate the psychosocial and economic effects of HIV/AIDS OUTPUT 2(b).1: Capacity of psychosocial services providers assessed conduct a study to assess capacity gaps and needs of actors involved in the provision of counseling, psychosocial and spiritual support to PHA and affected families Output 2 (b). 2 The rights of PHAs are known and protected Train key change agents and institutions on the rights and fundamental freedom of PHA
Goal 2b cont’d OUTPUT 2.3 :The Strategy for supporting OVCs harmonized and disseminated disseminate and popularize OVC policy and strategy to all districts The policy and strategy have to be widely disseminated to solicit buy-in by more stakeholders in view of the uncertainty of sustainability of existing funding
Goal 2b Cont’d Scale-up Cope services including IGAs to OVCs
Goal 2c:Mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on the development of Uganda OUTPUT 2.3: HIV/AIDS mainstreamed in the PEAP, sectoral and local Government plans –2.3.1 Finalize the mainstreaming guidelines for HIV/AIDS in the PEAP, sectoral plans and local Government plans Guidelines are needed to facilitate the budget support agenda –3.3.2 Conduct a study on impact of HIV/AIDS in every sector and on relationship between HIV/AIDS and Poverty –3.3.3 Carry out a sector spending assessment. – –To support harmonization, alignment and management for results agenda –
GOAL 3: Strengthen National Capacity to Coordinate and Manage the Multisectoral Approach To HIV/AIDS OUTPUT 3.1 The existing funding mechanism assessed and channeling, allocation and accountability of financial resources enhanced –3.1.1 Finalise review of existing funding mechanism strategies on harmonizing the channeling, allocation and accountability of financial resources and follow up recommendations – Update the Mapping database to utilized as a basis for costing universal access last mapping was done in 2004, needs to be updated
Goal 3 cont’d OUTPUT 3.2. The National capacity to generate and dissemination timely HIV/AIDS surveillance data and related information enhanced Carry out an in depth analysis of the sero survey data to support the NSF 2006 /11 preparation More analysis is required to collaborate the data with other data sources OUTPUT 3.3.: Technical, management, human resource and infrastructure capacity of UAC enhanced Fill pending staff positions in coordination and management operationalize the OD recommendations and identify TA needs
Goal 3 Cont’d OUTPUT 3.4 The national human resources capacities and competences in HIV/AIDS mapped and updated –3.4.1 Create and maintain a national database of human resources OUTPUT 3.5 National Strategic and M&E Framework developed –3.5.1 Evaluate the current NSF and prepare NSF 2006 –20011 The NSF is ending in June 2006 and need to have a costed NSF and the required operational guidelines
Goal 3 cont’d OUT PUT 3.6 The operations of the HIV/AIDS partnership committee, partnership forum and partnership pool fund strengthened Organize the Annual Joint AIDS Review and Partnership Forum to ensure mutual accountability. The partnership arrangement is a useful strategy in rallying support to the NSF and monitoring implementation of the NSF
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