Trae Courtney Lorreno Owen Devon Celeste Christine NekeylaJackson LovengCarlheb Hannah Rayoni Samantha Joas Dyani Kayla Davnys Nicholas 9D –Seats for Room 107 Front of room Marcelo Miguel Warren
Bio 9A/9D: Tuesday, Title: The Cell Cycle Homework: See assignment sheet – questions #1-3, in your notebook Silent Do Now: (in NB w/ title & date) Put the following in order from largest to smallest: Gene Chromosome Nucleotide DNA Today’s Objectives: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and steps of the cell cycle.
THE CELL CYCLE & MITOSIS PHA Biology 9 Moretti/ Dickson
DNA Chromosomes: DNA tightly coiled around little protein balls (histones) to make it very compact Gene: Instructions for making a protein that determines a trait Another Gene: instructions for making a different protein that determines a different trait Chromosome Review (Don’t need to write this) Nucleotide Base Pairs Chromosomes unraveling into DNA
More about Chromosomes (Writing this is optional) Contain DNA Number varies with organism: Humans: 46 Cats: 32 Dogs: 72 Objectives for Class: Describe the structure of a chromosome. Describe the purpose and the 4 major steps of the cell cycle.
The Cell Cycle: Overview (Now you need to take notes!) One cell grows and divides into two new cells Purpose: Growth Replace dead cells Repair tissues after injury Asexual reproduction (in single-celled organisms) Amoeba reproducing
Major Steps of the Cell Cycle Interphase: growth; copying of chromosomes & organelles G1 phase: Cell grows S phase: DNA replicates G2 phase: More growth; cell prepares to divide Mitosis: Chromosomes separate to form two new nuclei Cytokinesis: Cell splits to form two new identical cells
What do you notice about the chromosomes in G1 versus G2?
Chromosome Replication During the Cell Cycle G1 Phase: Chromosomes are un-replicated - each contains one copy of its DNA G2 Phase: Chromosomes are replicated - each contains two exact copies of its DNA Un-Replicated Chromosome Centromere – a small spot in the center of a chromosome Replicated Chromosome Sister Chromatids – two halves of a replicated chromosome – exact copies of each other Centromere S Phase: DNA Replication creates replicated chromosomes
More images of Chromosome Replication
Tonight’s HW: (in your notebook) 1. Draw two chromosomes: one un-replicated and one replicated. Label the centromeres and the sister chromatids. 2. Explain the difference between an un-replicated and a replicated chromosome. 3. Why does a cell need to replicate its chromosomes before the cell divides?
Bio 9A/9D: Wednesday, Cell Cycle in Action: Cancer & Stem Cells Homework: Review mitosis in the textbook Finish at least one of the DNA Review Activities in the packet Silent Do Now: (in notebook w/ title & date) 1. In one sentence, what happens in the cell cycle? 2. Read over the 3 options on the handout. Which one do you think you want to do? Why? Today’s Objectives: Define cancer or stem cells and explain how they relate to the cell cycle. Apply knowledge to design an anti-cancer drug or take a stand in the stem cell debate.
Cancer & Stem Cells: Reading & Analysis You have 3 options for this activity: Option 1: Read and answer questions on your own (silently) Option 2: Work in a small group to read about cancer and design an anti-cancer drug Option 3: Work in a small group to read about stem cells and take a stand in the debate about embryonic stem cell research. See the handout for specific instructions, then get a textbook and get started! Objectives for Class: Demonstrate what you know about DNA and the cell cycle Use information about the cell cycle to answer questions about cancer and stem cells.
Last 6 minutes of class: Stem Cell Debate Pro: 2 minutes to explain your arguments Against: 2 minutes to explain your arguments Pro: 1 minute rebuttal Against: 1 minute rebuttal
Celeste Dyani Lorreno Loveng Rayoni Owen Devon Nicholas Carlheb Warren Nekeyla Trae HannahJackson Marcelo Samantha Miguel Courtney Kayla Joas Christine 9D: SeatsFront of room Davnys
Bio 9A: Thursday, Mitosis! Homework: None Silent Do Now: (in NB w/ title & date) 1. For each cell shown below: How many chromosomes are there? Are they un-replicated or replicated? a)b) c) 2. Why is it important for chromosomes to replicate during the cell cycle? 3. What happens during mitosis? What happens in cytokinesis?
Agenda Review Do Now Videos: Mitosis Activity: Cell Cycle Cards & Graphic Organizer
Why do Chromosomes Replicate? So they can split during mitosis and separate into two new cells Each cell gets an exact copy of each chromosome ! Objectives for Class: Describe the purpose and steps of mitosis and cytokinesis. Draw diagrams showing how mitosis/cytokinesis separate chromosomes into two new cells..
M-Phase: Mitotic Division Mitosis: Chromosomes separate to form two new nuclei Cytokinesis: Cell splits to form two new identical cells Objectives for Class: Describe the purpose and steps of mitosis and cytokinesis. Draw diagrams showing how mitosis/cytokinesis separate chromosomes into two new cells..
Mitosis Animation
Video… Listen closely for NEW VOCAB WORDS as you watch the video! Remember them or write them down in the margin of your notebook.
Activity: Mitosis Cards & Graphic Organizer Materials: Cards w/ diagrams Cards w/ written explanations Procedure: This is a puzzle – be patient and take time to figure it out! Write an overall summary of the cell cycle (side A) and mitosis (side B) Match each picture card w/ a written card (note: some written cards don’t have a picture!) Put the cards in the correct order Record important new vocabulary at the top of the chart Objectives for Class: Describe the purpose and steps of mitosis and cytokinesis. Draw diagrams showing how mitosis/cytokinesis separate chromosomes into two new cells..
Partners for Mitosis Investigations Your partner is at your same table, not across from you! OliviaAlerte Joshua Cassandra DaysiaMartely Beverly ImaniNathy Joelle Lorena Victor BryanLila DevinAmrita YamileKenny ErickHajar JavierNaidaliz JesseMartin LenninEmiliano
Bio 9A/9D: Friday, Title: Mitosis Investigations Homework: Complete the Analysis Questions for your Mitosis Investigation(s) Silent Do Now: (in NB w/ title & date) Write a paragraph or a list that describes in detail the steps and stages of mitosis and cytokinesis. Include: What are the names of the different stages (if you can remember them)? What happens to the chromosomes and the cell at each stage (even if you can’t remember names of stages, write what happens in as many steps as you can). Today’s Objectives: Explain how the steps of mitosis separate the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells
Today’s Agenda As a class: Review the Stages of Mitosis Take notes on your chart from yesterday Don’t worry if you don’t get everything – you will have a chance to work with the cards from yesterday after we review as a class With partners from yesterday: Finish taking notes on your chart, using the Mitosis Cards Choose an Investigation to complete (this will count as your lab grade for this week)
What happens during Mitosis?
Interphase (can’t see difference between G1, S, G2) Animal cell:Plant Cells:
Stages of Mitosis Prophase Anaphase Telophase/Cytokinesis Metaphase
Mitosis Stages: Prophase Chromosomes become visible Nuclear envelope disappears Spindle fibers form between the ends (poles) of cell.
Chromosomes line up at the center of the cell or equator Spindle fibers attach to Chromatids, as they prepare to pull them apart Mitosis Stages: Metaphase
Mitosis Stages: Anaphase Chromatids (or pairs of chromosomes) separate and begin to move to opposite ends of the cell
Mitosis Stages: Telophase Two new nuclei form Chromosomes become less visible Mitosis is finished!
Cytokinesis Cell membrane moves inward to create two daughter cells – each with its own nucleus with identical chromosomes
Mitosis: Plant cells in mitosis
Mitosis Investigations: Two Options! Option A: Mitosis Pipe Cleaner Simulation Use pipe cleaners to model the movement of chromosomes through the stages of mitosis by moving and repositioning pipe cleaners in each stage. Choose this option if you are a hands-on, movement- oriented learner who will learn well by handling and moving “chromosomes” yourself Option B: Mitosis Under the Microscope Observe real plant cells in different stages of mitosis and identify which stages they are in. Choose this option if you are a visual learner who is good at seeing really small things under the microscope Note: Whichever investigation you choose will be graded as a small lab/project grade! Objectives for Class: Explain how mitosis separates the cell’s DNA into two different nuclei to create two new cells.
Your Tasks Right Now: Meet with your partner Get Mitosis Cards from yesterday and finish your chart/notes if necessary Choose an Investigation and complete it Option A = Pipecleaner Models Option B = Mitosis under the Microscope If you finish early, complete the other investigation Homework: Analysis Questions for your Mitosis Investigation
Celeste Dyani Lorreno Loveng Rayoni OwenNicholas Warren Nekeyla Trae HannahJackson Marcelo Samantha Miguel Courtney KaylaJoas Christine 9D: Same Partners as yesterdayFront of room Davnys
Partners for Mitosis Investigations Your partner is at your same table, not across from you! OliviaAlerte Joshua Cassandra DaysiaMartely Beverly ImaniNathy Joelle Lorena Victor BryanLila DevinAmrita YamileKenny ErickHajar JavierNaidaliz JesseMartin LenninEmiliano
Bio 9A/9D: Monday, Title: Review: DNA and the Cell Cycle Homework: Study for tomorrow’s Quiz (Review Q’s on back of assignment sheet) Silent Do Now: (NOT in your notebook!) Pass your Mitosis Investigation forward if you didn’t hand it in on Friday Answer the 5 multiple choice questions in the Do Now packet Today’s Objectives: Review for the quiz – you should be able to answer all questions on the quiz review sheet. If you are done early: create a rap song or a dance that demonstrates the cell cycle.
Mitosis Animation
Quiz Review Day: Check answers on Mitosis Lab Analysis Questions Quiz Review Guide (on back of assignment sheet): Answer each question in your notebook Plant Cell Mitosis Challenge: Complete the worksheet! Practice MCAS Questions: Answer each one and then check your answers on the blog!
How many cells are in each phase?
Bio 9A/9D: Tuesday, QUIZ: DNA & the Cell Cycle Homework: Read pages in the textbook. Take active reading notes, paying attention to the following purpose questions: How is RNA different from DNA? What are the functions of the 3 different types of RNA? What happens during transcription? Do Now: Turn in the Mitosis Investigation from Tuesday Clear your desk and get ready for the quiz Today’s Objectives: Demonstrate what you know about DNA and the cell cycle Use information about the cell cycle to answer questions about cancer and stem cells