Lesson 5 Notes *Aryans migrated west of India to modern day Iran in 900BC– They became known as Persians
Cyrus The Great—The Empire Builder Built the Persian Empire Born in 590 and 580 BC Conquered the Babylonians in 539BC and Egyptians in 525BC—Created largest empire Persian army was huge and advanced in war technology Foot soldiers were protected by bronze helmets and shields Made them winners at hand to hand combat Great sea fighters Calvary– Rode horses and camels to make swift attacks Horses pulled chariots which had sharp knives attached to the wheels Only battle he lost was his last against the people near the Caspian Sea Ruler was Queen Tomyris Small Army Most Persians killed—including Cyrus the Great This ended Persia’s time of great growth
Darius The Organizer Persian Emperor from 522 BC- 486 BC Organized large empire successfully Let people keep their own customs He allowed local people to rule Completed projects to improve trade and travel Canal in Egypt that linked the Red Sea to the Nile River Persians conquered people then required them to pay tribute to the Emperor in Persepolis (Capital he built) Babylonians brought livestock Assyrians brought hides of tanned leather Indians brought gold dust Others brought fine cloth, pottery, horses and camels Struggled with communication so he created couriers. Info traveled 1,677 miles in 7 days “Neither snow, rain, heat, nor darkness could stop them---Also used in present day postal service slogans
Zarathustra The Prophet Prophet changed Persians from worship of multiple gods to 2 Gods Created Zoroastrianism—belief in 2 Gods 1 God– Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord) Good, Kind Stood for truth The other God– Ahriman (enemy) Believed good and evil fought each other---Good would always win “The Earth is a battle ground, a struggle between forces of light and forces of darkness” Believed they would live in paradise after they died As the empire grew Persian religion, customs, and culture spread At the decline of the empire Persians had to fight to hold on to their customs. Arabs conquered in 750 BC—Brought their culture and religion to Islam.