Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR2 15-4-05 Task7: NUSTAR2 - Design and Prototype Construction of a Radiation-Resistant Magnet  The Pre-Separator of the Super-FRS.


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Presentation transcript:

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Task7: NUSTAR2 - Design and Prototype Construction of a Radiation-Resistant Magnet  The Pre-Separator of the Super-FRS  Sub-Tasks of NUSTAR2 (Choice)  Implementation Plan, Milestones & Deliverables  Project Resources and Budget Martin Winkler Kick-off meeting EU DS "DIRACsecondary-Beams", April 14-15, 2005, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany Task leader of NUSTAR2: Gebhard Moritz, GSI

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Design parameters and layout of the Super-FRS Large phase space  large aperture magnets High beam energies + large apertures  high pole tip fields for quadrupols  use superconducting magnets Design Parameters High-radiation area

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Requirements of Magnetic Elements of the Preseparator Can the magnets stay superconducting after the target and beam dumps? PF2 1,3

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Beam dump locations in the 1 st stage of the Pre-Separator Trajectories of primary beams with different  B  / B  beam Light fragments The primary beam is always dumped in well-defined positions outside the magnets ! Target Beam Dumps

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Exploration of radiation load on magnets behind the high-power production target Projectile: 1500 MeV/u 238 U /s σ x = 1.0 mm σ y = 2.0 mm σ p /p = 0.5% Energy deposition distribution (calculated with PHITS) Avarage energy depositionon on the coil surface: E>/M= 0.46 mJ/g (quench limit: 2-3 mJ/g) Heat load on the cryogenic system for a 5 ton quadrupole magnet: Expected FAIR cryogenic power: 20 kW Geometry Target: Carbon 4 g/cm 2 ≈ 2.3 kW

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Projectile: 1500 MeV/u 238 U /s σ p /p = 0.5% σ y = 1.0 cm σ x = 4.0 cm ( /M) coil = 0.3 mJ/g limit: 2-3 mJ/g ( /M) coil = 0.76 mJ/g limit: 2-3 mJ/g Exploration of radiation load on magnets behind the beam dumps

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Radiation sensitivity of coil materials and insulator Behind target and beam dump: Expected heat load ≈ 1 mJ/g  is equivalent to a dose rate of 1 Gy/s Assume 4000 h/year operation time  14 MGy accumulated dose  Ceramic insulation is required

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Radiation resistant (normal-conducting) magnet Magnet Cross Section Parameter: B = 1.6 T I = 600 A J = 1.5 A/mm 2 P = 50 kW ΔB/B ≈ 2×10 -4 ΔR = ±20 cm Weights (12.5 m, 11°): Fe: 72 t Cu: 9.5 t Coil Cross Section

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR No access No access of human personnel accuracy High demands on accuracy (some 1/10 of mm) curved Handling curved beamlines with a length up to 50 m RALFRALF "RALF" - Remote ALignment on the Fly Photogrammetry Based on Photogrammetry non-contact high accuracy shorttime data capture within a short time Automated guided vehicle system Remotely controlled adjustment Remotely controlled adjustment of accelerator components After commissioninghigh level of radiation After commissioning of the SuperFRS a very high level of radiation is expected. S&A "as usual" will not be possible S&A "as usual" will not be possible due to prohibited or limited access. in cooperation with i3mainz Institute for Spatial Information and Surveying Technology Conceptual design of a high-precision Survey and Alignment System for high-radiation areas of FAIR

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Multi-annual implementation plan for NUSTAR2

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Participating institutes in task7 (NUSTAR2) OrganisationSub-Task GSI Radiation Impact, Magnetic Field Calculation, DesignDrawings, Prototyping Philipps Universität MarburgMaterial Research Technische Universität DresdenCryogenics Fachhochschule MainzSurveying & Alignment Babcock Noell Nuclear (industry)Coil winding

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Milestones and Deliverables of NUSTAR2 Milestones M7-1: Decision on insulating material, 10/2005* M7-2: Delivery of model coil, 9/2006* M7-3: Design and test for Surveying and alignment system finished, 4/2007* M7-4: Prototype Magnet delivered, 12/2007* Deliverables D13: Report on exploration of conductor and cable, 1/2006* D14: Report on the model coil, 1/2007* D15: Report on surveying and alignment system for high- radiation areas, 7/2007* D16: Report on design and construction of the prototype magnet, 12/2007*

Martin Winkler, Task7: NUSTAR Summary of Project Resources and Budget of the DP NUSTAR The requested 589 k€ from the EU correspond to ≈ 41% of the overall EU request for the DP NUSTAR