Safety-Critical Systems 5 Testing and V&V T
V - Lifecycle model System Acceptance System Integration & Test Module Integration & Test Requirements Analysis Requirements Model Test Scenarios Software Implementation & Unit Test Software Design Requirements Document Systems Analysis & Design Functional / Architechural - Model Specification Document Knowledge Base * * Configuration controlled Knowledge that is increasing in Understanding until Completion of the System: Requirements Documentation Requirements Traceability Model Data/Parameters Test Definition/Vectors
Testing Testing is a process used to verify or validate system or its components. Testing is performed during various stage of system development. V-lifecycle diagram. - Module testing – evaluation of a small function of the hardware/software. - System integration testing – investigates correct interaction of modules. - System validation testing – a complete system satisfies its requirements.
Testing forms Dynamic testing - execution of the system or component in the natural/simulated environment. - Functional – test all functions - Structural – test signal/test cases (glass-box) - Random – n-dimensional input space Static testing - reviews, inspections and walkthroughs. Static code analysis for software. Modelling - mathematical representation of the behaviour of a system or its environment.
Testing methods Black-box testing – requirements-based, no information of the system, what is inside. White-box testing – more information about the system design to guide testing. Open view glass box.
Dymanic testing techniques Dynamic testing standards IEC1508, BCS (British Computer Society) and DO-178B. - Process simulation - Error seeding/guessing - Timing and memory tests - Performance/stress testing - Probabilistic testing – values for failure rates
Test planning Lifecycle PhaseActivitySafety case RequirementsHazard identificationAnalysis results Test planningIdentify tests integrityStrategy for V/V Req/Design/TestTrace hazards to specs.Risk reduction Req/DesignDefine specs Design analysis Safety Functional Requirements are the actual safety- related functions which the system, sub-system or item of equipments required to carry out. (Cenelec)
Development Process for V & V Operational Thread: –Elaboration of operational requirements in textual form –Elaboration of requirements model based on operational requirements –Until validated: Validate requirements model against operational requirements Update model as needed –Transformation of the requirements model into a verifiable form Safety Thread: –Identification of safety requirements based on hazard analysis –Formalization into a safety model based on safety requirements –Until validated: Validate safety model against hazard analysis Update model as needed –Transformation of the safety model into a verifiable form Until verified: Model verification based on safety an liveness requirements Update model as needed
Development Process for V & V (Initial) Requirements model Domain objects Use cases & control cases Important interactions Safety properties Validation (Final) Requirement s model Formal Verification Dynamic behavior Informal Verification Textual requirements Terms & definitions Safety requirement s Operational requirement s Informal Verification
Model Validation e.g. prepare to train arrival set reserved path monitor situation Confirmer Question e.g. „What use cases are available to the signaler?“ Domain Expert Validator Validation Support Tool Requirements Modeling Language Requirements Model
Validation/Confirmers Confirmer: A property of a system derived from a model and subject to human evaluation. Types of confirmers: –Static, derived (i.e. implicit) model information (e.g. implicit use cases or required conditions for a transition/action) –Dynamic state requests („is the model now in the right state?“) –Dynamic event responses („does the model react correctly?“) Possible representations for confirmers: –Natural language sentences –Algebraic expressions –Traces / sequence diagrams –Dynamic simulation
Model Verification e.g. „A point may never move when a route is locked.“ Challenger Proof e.g. challenger is false in the following case: User: set route A System: steer point 1 left HW: point 1 at left User: set point 1 right System: steer point 1 right CONFLICT!!! Domain Expert Verifier Verification Support Tool Requirements Model Requirements Modeling Language
Languages of Logic –Propositional Logic Statements –(1st Order) Predicate Logic (FOPL) Statements quantified ( , ) over things (objects!) –Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Statements quantified ( , , G, F, H, P) over things and time –Computational Tree Logic (CTL) Statements quantified ( , , G, F, H, P, , ) over things, time and worlds (modal logic) –Enhanced Regular Expression Logic (ERE) Statements about occurrence patterns (seq, sel, itr, par) of events and conditions causing actions Note: The list above is neither complete nor it does necessarily imply any hierarchy! S S t S t S t
(Some) Languages of Logic Objects , Time G, F, H, P Worlds , Propositional Logic Predicate Logic Modal Logic Temporal Logic (LTL) CTL ERE? DL
Verification Technologies Model Checking Theorem Proving Objects , Time G, F, H, P Worlds , Propositiona l Logic Predicate Logic Moda l Logic Temporal Logic (LTL) CTL ERE? DLDL
Testing and V&V Home assignments: Dynamic testing Constructed environment Please to 12 of May 2005 References: KnowGravity, I-Logix