Summary Report Project Name: Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) Brief Project Description: Support the complete lifecycle of designing CDA implementation guides, publishing standards specification and developer docs, generating production quality Java libraries for use by application developers, and validating CDA instances to the conformance rules. Major milestones to date: 1.0 RC4 in Aug 2011 Major release dates: 1.0 in Sept 2011 Projected milestones: 1.1 M1 Dec 2011 Contribution date: July 2008 Contribution value (Person years or market value or lines of code): –Approximately 5 person years invested in the original contribution plus new work within the MDHT project team.
OHT MDHT Sept 2011 Boca Chart Content. Added Deleted & Changed Milestones Packaging Editions Dependencies Pressures Statistics. Support HL7 CDA IG specification publishing workflow and format Support ONC non-CDA modeling Need CTS2 terminology services: discover and validate model constraints Authoring – designing CDA templates, UI enhancements Publishing – DITA publishing workflow Validation – validating CDA instances against constraints in the model, terminologies Implementation – domain-specific APIs, utilities ONC S&I Framework requirements HL7 CDA IG publishing requirements 1.0 RC, July Release, Sept M1, Dec 2011 Generate simplified Java API façade, aligned with goals and style of “greenCDA”. Eclipse 3.6 Helios with UML2, OCL and EMF 2.6 plug-ins
12 Month Rolling Plan Major Dates and Deliverables 3Q Q10 4Q10 3Q10 1Q11 2Q11 Milestone 8 of CDA Tools March Release Candidates 1-4 April –Aug Milestone 1 Dec Release CDA Tools Sept 2011