Chapter 6 Section 3: Periodic Trends
Trends in Atomic Size Diatomic Molecules Ex:
Trends in Atomic Size Atomic Radius Measured in:
Trends in Atomic Size In general, atomic size –_________ top to bottom –_________ right to left
Trends in Atomic Size Group Trends in Atomic Size –Moving down a group 1. An energy level… 2. Positive charge … –“_________ _________” More energy levels “shield” the electrons from the pull of the positive nucleus. –THEREFORE
Trends in Atomic Size Periodic Trends in Atomic Size –Moving across a period 1. Add… 2. Proton adds … 3. Pulls … –THEREFORE
Arrange the following in order of decreasing atomic size: sulfur, chlorine, aluminum, and sodium. Arrange the following in order of increasing atomic size: boron, thallium, gallium Practice
Ions Ion 1. Atom or group of atoms with a ___________ 2. Electrons are … Cation Positive charge (____, ____) Anion Negative charge (Ex:____, ____)
Trends in Ionization Energy Ionization Energy- required… 2. First Ionization Energy- 3. Second Ionization Energy- much larger amount of energy is required
Trends in Ionization Energy First Ionization energy –___________ left to right –___________ bottom to top
Trends in Ionization Energy Group Trends in Ionization Energy 1.Moving down a group… 2. Outer electrons farther from… 3. THEREFORE
Trends in Ionization Energy Periodic Trends in Ionization Energy 1.Moving across a period… 2.THEREFORE
Arrange the following in order of decreasing first ionization energy: iron, scandium, krypton, potassium. Arrange the following in order of increasing first ionization energy: silicon, lead, tin, carbon Practice
Trends in Electronegativity Electronegativity –ability of an atom to … Predicts the type of bond that an atom will form: 1. 2.
Trends in Electronegativity Electronegativity 1. _________ bottom to top 2. _________ left to right 3. Includes … 4. Electronegativity of __________ ________ varies 5. _______ ________ excluded (rarely form compounds)
Arrange the following in order of increasing electronegativity: silver, tin, rubidium, xenon Arrange the following in order of decreasing electronegativity: arsenic, antimony, nitrogen, bismuth Which element has the highest electronegativity? Practice