Performance Review Committee (PRC) meeting 31 st May -1 st June 2012 Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi (MGNREGA Division)
Presentation Structure Part A (i)Performance Outcome & Issues Average persondays Women participation SC/ST coverage Work completion rate Wage material ratio Performance against approved labour budget MIS reporting Social Audit Demand registration RSBY and MGNREGA (ii) New initiatives New works Convergence with TSC CAG Audit Part B (i) State Specific Issues: LB & Funds, MIS & Others
OUTCOMES (FY ) Average Persondays per HH National Average: 42 days 3 Issue : State to Report reasons for low average persondays per HH
Women Participation rate (FY ) National women participation rate: 48% At least 1/3rd of the beneficiaries shall be women who have registered and requested for work under the Scheme (MGNREGA ACT, Schedule II, Section 6)
SC/ ST Participation rate (FY ) SC participation rate: 22% ST Participation rate: 18% MIS to be updated for SC/ST information
Percentage of Wage Expenditure (FY ) Issue : States to clarify non adherence to 60:40 wage material ratio.
Performance against approved LB Persondays generated (In Lakhs) (FY ) 8 Issue : State to analyse low performance against Labour Budget
Social audit MGNREGA Audit of Schemes Rules notified in June, 2011 Social audit in every GP once in 6 months Need to operationalize social audit mechanism in all States Anchoring & Facilitation by an independent Society/Directorate. Progress so far States which have completed Pilot Social audit: Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Rajasthan, AP, Tamil Nadu. States which have setup SAU: Andhra Pradesh, UP, Rajasthan. States which have outsourced Social Audit : Punjab, Gujarat. States which have appointed the director of SAU : AP, UP and Rajasthan. States to share experiences & problems if any
Status of RSBY to MGNREGA Name of State Status of RSBY to MGNREGA Andhra Pradesh Has completed the procedural requirement for launching the scheme for construction workers in Rangareddy district. With regard to extending RSBY to MNREGA beneficiaries, the State Principal Secretary, Rural Development Department has requested that Society for Rural Development Services be designated as Nodal Agency for extending the scheme to more than 5.6 lakh MNREGA beneficiaries. MoLE has no objection to implement the scheme to these workers through RD Society as suggested by State Rural Development Department. Bihar The data has not been made available. The SNA is in touch with the RD Department. SC/ST bifurcation is available. However, there are some issues in RD Department as to numbers who have worked for 15 days or more during last year. Chhatisgarh Enrolment of MNREGA beneficiaries is going on alongwith BPL families. SC/ST data not available. Goa RSBY is not being implemented. Gujarat The data has been made available by the State Rural Development Department. SC/ST bifurcation is available. The SNA is in the process of converting the data is RSBY format. These will be included in the next round of policy beginning from August Haryana Data has been made available of some districts. Will be extended to these beneficiaries during next round of enrolment. Himachal Pradesh Has received data. The enrolment will commence during next round of enrolment. Jammu & Kashmir RSBY started in Jammu & Srinagar districts. No decision taken regarding extending to MNREGA beneficiaries.
Status of RSBY to MGNREGA Jharkhand Data has been made available and enrolment has also commenced. However, SC/ST status not available. Karnataka Data has been made available and enrolment has also commenced. However, SC/ST status not available KeralaData is made available with SC/ST status and enrolment has also commenced. Madhya Pradesh The State has yet to decide on extension of the scheme to MNREGA beneficiaries. MaharashtraState has yet to take decision on extension of scheme to MNREGA beneficiaries. OrissaData has been received for all districts. Yet to be examined. PunjabThe RD Department is in the process of taking ‘in-principle’ approval. Rajasthan Presently, the state is implementing RSBY for MNREGA families in 7 districts. Enrolment has commenced in two districts and likely to commence shortly in remaining five districts. Recently, the State has decided to extend the scheme to all districts in the State. Tamil NaduNot implementing RSBY. Uttar PradeshNo decision has yet been communicated so far. Uttarakhand MNREGA beneficiaries will be included alongwith BPL families during next round of enrolment. West BengalData is available without SC/ST bifurcation. Enrolment has started in two districts. The RD Department has assured that the SC/ST breakup will be made available for other districts.
New Initiatives
Latest Amendment in schedule’s, notified on 4 th May 2012 Addition of 30 new works.( Para IB, IC and ID) Priority of works to be decided by Gram Panchayat in meetings of the Gram Sabha and the Ward Sabha. (para IB) As part of the Scheme, the State Govt Shall provide for proper maintenance of the public assets created under the Scheme (Para 5) Labour : material i.e., 60:40 to be maintained at Gram Panchayat level. (Para 9) Clarification on the working hour i.e., nine hours including one hour of rest. (Para 8) Insertion of enabling provision for e-MMS i.e., Each muster roll shall have a unique identity number and be certified by the Programme Officer and shall contain such mandatory information as may be specified by order, by the Central Government. (Para 3-d) Workers to be paid on piece rate basis i.e. The State Government shall link the wages with the quantity of work and it shall be paid according to the schedule of rates fixed by the State Government for different types of work every year, in consultation with the State Council. (Para 7)
New Permissible Works Under MGNREGA Watershed related works in mountain regions - Springshed development Agriculture related works - NADEP composting - vermi-composting - liquid bio-manures Livestock related works -Poultry shelter -Goat shelter -Construction of pucca floor urine tank and fodder trough for cattle -Azolla as cattle-feed supplement Fisheries related works - fisheries in seasonal water bodies on public land Works in coastal areas -Fish drying yards -Belt vegetation -Construction of storm water drains for coastal protection Rural drinking water related works -Soak pits -Recharge pits Rural sanitation related works -Individual household latrines -School toilet units -Anganwadi toilets -Solid and liquid waste management; States to list queries if any
Convergence of TSC with MGNREGS S.N o. Descrip tion Number of Unskilled mandays No. of Skilled mandays Total amount under MGNREGA 1IHHL206Rs 4500 Non Negotiable in work execution In case of IHHL, the individual household beneficiaries shall be a household eligible under MGNREGA for work on private land/homestead. All sanitation facilities project shall be part of District TSC plan, approved by the Gram Sabha and GP and shall be part of annual shelf of project. The entire IHHL unit will be treated as a MGNREGA project for the purposes of (a) giving a unique work ID (b) entry in Works & Asset register (c) Social Audit by Gram Sabha (d) evaluation by Vigilance & Monitoring Committee States to list queries if any
CAG Audit It is understood that entry conferences have been held in all states. State may share if they have any difficulties. Ministry is working on a scheme to get GP accounts to be certified by empanelled CA/CA Firms. States may give suggestion in this regard.
I. Part B Hall number 2 1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Bihar 3. Goa 4. Gujarat 5. Haryana 6. Himachal Pradesh 7. Jammu and Kashmir 8. Jharkhand 9. Karnataka 10. Orissa
LB & Funds (FY ): AP LB (Cr. Person-days)33.00 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)16.50 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) *Amount Released (Rs Cr)Rs Cr (Ad hoc fund released ) * Some GOs issued by the State Government are in contravention of existing provisions of MGNREG Act.
MIS: AP Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,88,62634,67,15197% (upto May, 12)NR Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 72,52,33212,67, % a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion An automated system to be designed for seamless data flow from AP MIS to NREGASoft
Other issues: Andhra Pradesh State yet to frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 15 days in the case of musters amounting to Rs cr. No. of Job cards with different no. and same head of household name are lakhs. The state is incurring administrative expenses to the tune of 9-10% which is far in excess of the 6% permitted. State to comply with the requirement of the Act that atleast 50% of the works are to be implemented by GPs. Framing of Grievance Redressal Rules yet to be done.
LB & Funds (FY ): Bihar LB (Cr. Person-days)16.03 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)8.01 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) *Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)----- (proposal received on 29/05/12) *Central share figures as shown in UC & actual needs to be reconciled for FY to
MIS: Bihar Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,43,30621,91,29294% (upto May, 12)27,6775,50820% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 4,16,40310,0262.4% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 302 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 581 Cr MIS Data:Rs Cr e) Out of total expenditure of Rs 1669 Cr. Only Rs 1516 Cr. expenditure reported on MIS
Issues: Bihar State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 6.69 lakh person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of 3.12 lakh musters amounting to Rs cr. ATR pending for 20 number VIP complaints and 139 number of general complaints Out of 38, Ombudsmen appointed for 13 districts only. State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate.. Wage Material Ratio is not maintained in 21 Districts. Integration of CPSMS with NREGASoft to be worked out. Participation of women is 28.64% Verifications pending for lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of HH.
LB & Funds (FY ): GOA LB (Person-days in Lakh)3.41 LB up to Sept (Person-days in Lakh)1.71 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. In Lakh) OB on (Rs. In Lakh *Amount Released (Rs. In Lakh)Rs lakh proposed for North Goa *Funds not required for South Goa as enough unspent balances(Rs lakh) to last first six months.
MIS: Goa Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,2543,250100% (upto May, 12)535196% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 3,5481,09831% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs Cr MIS Data:Rs Cr
Issues: Goa State yet to frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 15 days in the case of 1042 musters amounting to Rs 1.49 cr. No Ombudsmen appointed. State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. Information/reports on social audits conducted yet to be fully uploaded onto the Ministry’s website. eFMS pilot to be rolled out in North Goa district No. Of Job cards with different no. and same head of household name are 1496
LB & Funds (FY ): GUJARAT LB (Cr. Person-days)4.18 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)1.77 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.)294 *Amount ReleasedRs Cr (Ad hoc fund released )* * ATRs in respect of all the complaints[17+7] (especially with regard to the irregularities in Fatehapura Taluka of Dahod District) are to be sent to MoRD
MIS: Gujarat Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,07,5093,84,63594% (upto May, 12)74,75321,06428% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 2,98,0521,57,95753% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 20 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 430 Cr MIS Data:Rs. 445 Cr
Issues: Gujarat State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 8005 person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of musters amounting to Rs Cr. ATR pending for 17 number VIP complaints and 07 number of general complaints State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. Information/reports on social audits conducted yet to be fully uploaded onto the Ministry’s website. Wage Material Ratio is not maintained in 8 Districts. eFMS pilot has been completed and state to roll it out in entire state in FY Verifications pending for 7 lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of HH
LB & Funds (FY ): HARYANA LB (Cr. Person-days)1.29 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)0.41 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.)18.74 Amount ReleasedRs Cr (Proposed & under process)
MIS: Haryana Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,13,1871,11,24398% (upto May, 12)2,4632,02582% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 37,25430,30180% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs Cr MIS Data:Rs Cr
Issues: Haryana SEGC- The frequency of SEGC meetings may be increased. Only two meetings have taken place (on and ). State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 144 person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of 945 musters amounting to Rs cr. ATR pending for 1number of VIP complaints and 21 number of general complaints No Ombudsmen has been appointed. State to expedite appointment. State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. Information/reports on social audits conducted yet to be fully uploaded onto the Ministry’s website. eFMS pilot to be rolled out in Panchkula District. Participation of women is 36% Out of 4234 works running behind the schedule, around 73% delayed by > 90 days.
LB & Funds (FY ): HIMACHAL PRADESH LB (Cr. Person-days)2.86 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)1.22 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount ReleasedRs Cr.
MIS: Himachal Pradesh Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,35,6041,85,47279% (upto May, 12)15,9813,83424% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 1,76,8051,19,78768% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 305 Cr MIS Data:Rs. 279 Cr
Issues: Himachal Pradesh SEGC-Only two meetings held since its constitution. State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 2944 person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of musters amounting to Rs cr. ATR pending for 4 number VIP complaints and 14 number of general complaints State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. eFMS to be rolled out in Chamba District. Out of 652 works running behind the schedule, around 65% delayed by > 90 days.
LB & Funds (FY ): J & K LB (Cr. Person-days)4.00 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)1.37 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Rs Cr.)40.84 Cr * Notes: (a) 3 Districts [Gandarbal; Rajouri; Reasi] has sufficient fund (b) Pending complaints against the 2 district [Doda, Kupwara]. (c) Accounts of 3districts (Srinagar, Kathua, Kargil)are yet to be settled
MIS: Jammu & Kashmir Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,96,0231,53,09378% (upto May, 12)2,4942,22889% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 85,0954,5735% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 104 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 47 Cr MIS Data:Rs. 159 Cr e) Out of total expenditure of Rs 776 Cr. Only 413 Crore expenditure reported on MIS
Issues: Jammu & Kashmir After the constitution of State Employment Guarantee Council (SEGC) in only two meetings have been convened so far. State yet to set up State Employment Guarantee Fund to facilitate smooth flow of funds to districts State is yet to pay unemployment allowance for 3.14 lakh person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of 10,228 musters amounting to Rs cr. No Ombudsman has been appointed. State is yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. Districts have not submitted updated status of social audit. Wage Material Ratio (60:40) is not maintained in 12 districts. Participation of women is 17.76% Verifications pending for 3.06 lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of Households..
LB & Funds (FY ): JHARKHAND LB (Cr. Person-days)7.60 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)4.31 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount ReleasedRs Cr (Ad hoc fund ) Reason for ad hoc release are: 1) Pendency of complaints. 2) Settlement of Accounts of 11 districts of FY
MIS: Jharkhand Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,36,80311,97,66097% (upto May, 12)1,24,7131,14,52592% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 4,36,4541,91,27444% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 324 Cr MIS Data:Rs. 368 Cr
Issues: JHARKHAND Nearly 30,000 wells taken up by the state in FY which are yet to be completed. State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 3,010 person-days for the year and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of 480 musters amounting to Rs.0.28 cr. ATR pending for 10 number VIP complaints and 44 number of general complaints Out of 24, Ombudsmen appointed for 3 districts only. State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. Participation of women is only 30.95% Very limited portfolio of works (Mostly wells). Wage Material Ratio is not maintained (wage: material) in 24 Districts. eFMS to be rolled out in Ranchi district.
LB & Funds (FY ): KARNATAKA LB (Cr. Person-days)8.90 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)3.43 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.)391 *Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)Rs 700 Cr. (Ad hoc) *The OB as on given by the State Government ( Cr. ) may be reconciled with that of the MIS data (+Rs. 391 Cr. ). Pipeline expenditure (Rs. 580 Cr.) is to be booked and reflected appropriately in Audit Reports and UCs.
MIS: Karnataka Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,63,7473,23,26489% (upto May, 12)4,7241,46931% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 11,41,6735,47,72648% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 580 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs Cr MIS Data:Rs Cr
Issues : Karnataka State was yet to pay unemployment allowance for person-days and frame unemployment allowance Rules. Delay in wage payment more than 90 days in case of 7783 musters amounting to Rs Cr.. State yet to set up independent social audit directorate. Wage material ratio is not maintained (wage : material) in 9 districts. e-FMS to be rolled out in entire state in FY Verifications pending for lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of household.
LB & Funds (FY ): ODISHA LB (Cr. Person-days)6.12 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)2.99 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)Rs Cr
MIS: Odisha Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,74,4769,69,21190% (upto May, 12)3,60,3241,65,47346% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 5,18,5692,03,67639% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion
Issues: Odisha State Employment Guarantee Council (SEGC) meetings were not held regularly. Only one meeting has been held during and State of Orissa is yet to pay unemployment allowance for 3,289 person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of musters amounting to Rs 8.48 cr. ATR pending for 10 complaints received from VIPs complaints and 29 received from general public State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. Wage Material Ratio (60:40) is not maintained in 15 districts. eFMS to be rolled out in entire state in FY Verifications pending for 4.61 lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of Housholds. State to submit ATR on Performance Audit conducted during 12 to 19 January, 2012 on implementation of MGNREGA in Puri district.
I. Part B Hall number 3 1. Chhattisgarh 2. Kerala 3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Maharashtra 5. Punjab 6. Rajasthan 7. Tamil Nadu 8. Uttar Pradesh 9. Uttarakhand 10. West Bengal
LB & Funds (FY ): CHHATTISGARH LB (Cr. Person-days)13.63 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)6.08 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)613.46
MIS: Chhattisgarh Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,58,66818,92,38297% (upto May, 12)1,38,1991,29,47094% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 4,00,3642,07,62452% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 603 Cr MIS Data:Rs. 681 Cr
Issues: Chhattisgarh State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 371 person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of 90,521 musters amounting to Rs Cr. ATR pending for 9 number VIP complaints and 25 number of general complaints State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. State to share the experience of pilot social audit. eFMS pilot to be rolled out in Dhamtari district Verifications pending for lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of HH
LB & Funds (FY ): KERALA LB (Cr. Person-days)6.34 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)2.19 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Rs. Cr.) *Proposal for release of Rs Cr. is under process.
MIS: Kerala Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,64,02716,66,78095% (upto May, 12)1,28,65420,84316% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 1,63,7171,47,57990% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion
Issues: Kerala State yet to frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of musters amounting to Rs 39 cr. State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. State needs to have a dedicated Commissioner for MGNREGA. MGNREGA cell at State level needs to be strengthened. eFMS pilot to be rolled out in Trivandrum and Kollam districts.
LB & Funds (FY ): MADHYA PRADESH LB (Cr. Person-days)19.60 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)11.02 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)----- State has sufficient funds. State needs to streamline fund management & avoid parking of funds with GPs.
MIS: Madhya Pradesh Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,05,18514,24,40395% (upto May, 12)44,59635,67480% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 14,03,6465,79,21341% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 174 Cr
Issues: Madhya Pradesh State yet to pay unemployment allowance for person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of musters amounting to Rs113 cr. ATR pending for 20 VIP complaints and 52 general complaints. No Ombudsmen appointed. All clarification sought by state govt. have been furnished. State has taken a decision to set up Social Audit Directorate whose operational head will be Commissioner MGNREGA. This is not in conformity with para 4(1) of Audit of Scheme Rules Wage Material Ratio is not maintained in 25 Districts eFMS pilot to be rolled out in Harda district ( State is continuously changing the pilot district).
LB & Funds (FY ): MAHARASHTRA LB (Cr. Person-days)6.0 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)2.90 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.)700.8 OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)485.64
MIS: Maharashtra Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,92,6196,62,60496% (upto May, 12)26,34223,63990% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 3,52,60820,7726% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 29 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 226 Cr MIS Data:Rs. 183 Cr
Issues: Maharashtra State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 1.38 lakh person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of 62,730 musters amounting to Rs cr. State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. eFMS to be rolled out in Thane district. Verifications pending for 1.63 lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of HH.
LB & Funds (FY ): PUNJAB LB (Cr. Person-days)0.72 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)0.30 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.)89.18 OB on (Rs. Cr.)42.96 Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)Proposal under process * Funds proposed = Rs Cr.
MIS: Punjab Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,02374,55997% (upto May, 12)3,1662,94093% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 31,65018,38461% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion
Issues : Punjab State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 1982 person-days and frame unemployment allowance Rules. Delay in wage payment more than 90 days in case of 3322 musters amounting to Rs crore. State to share the experience of pilot social audit done. Wage material ratio is not maintained in 7 districts. eFMS to be rolled out in district Fatehgarh Saheb. Verifications pending for 2.84 lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of household. The opening balance as on given by the State Government may be reconciled with that of the MIS data. Only 26 days of employment provided per household. Households which completed 100 days is mere 2%.
LB & Funds (FY ): RAJASTHAN LB (Cr. Person-days)22.25 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)11.13 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) * Amount Released (Rs. Cr.) *The State should resolve the difference in closing balance (CB) indicated in the UC and opening balance (OB) in the UC for and the difference in the OB shown in the UC and MIS.
MIS: Rajasthan Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,11,70126,44,91778% (upto May, 12)7,78,8971,74,89122% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 6,45,4392,32,49236% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 98 Cr
Issues: Rajasthan No meeting of the SEGC held during the year State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 13,850 person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in the case of 1,17,328 musters amounting to Rs cr. ATR pending in 3 complaints received from VIPs and 78 from general public. Out of 33 districts in the State, Ombudsmen have been appointed in 16 districts. State to share the experience of pilot social audit in Barmer district Wage Material Ratio (60:40) is not maintained in 13 districts. eFMS to be rolled out in all the districts in FY Verifications pending for lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of Households
LB & Funds (FY ): TAMIL NADU LB (Cr. Person-days)37.90 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)21.63 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released ( ) (Rs. Cr.)
MIS: Tamil Nadu Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,59,7136,81,24990% (upto May, 12)51,08942,73184% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 1,85,82351,93528% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion
Issues: TAMILNADU State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 1.88 lakh person-days for the year and frame unemployment allowance rules. Out of 31, Ombudsmen appointed for 9 districts only. State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. eFMS pilot to be rolled out in kancheepuram district. Verifications pending for lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of HH. New Wage rate yet to be made operational. Limited portfolio of works (No category IV, afforestation, etc works). Change over from cash payments to bank/Post office A/cs.
LB & Funds (FY ): UTTAR PRADESH LB (Cr. Person-days)33.94 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)14.35 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Ad hoc) (Rs. Cr.)700 * Ad hoc release because of mismatch of OB &CB in UC & AR of FY and pendency of complaints.
MIS: Uttar Pradesh Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,19,47543,28,52696% (upto May, 12)54,47232,62260% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 24,92,47812,62,10951% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 133 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs Cr MIS Data:Rs Cr
ISSUES: Uttar Pradesh State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 1.1 Lakh person-days and yet to frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 15 days in the case of 1836 musters amounting to Rs cr. ATR pending for 21 VIP complaints and 343 general complaints No Ombudsmen appointed. State to share the status of Social Audit pilots. eFMS pilot to be rolled out in 1 (Bulandshahr) +17 districts. Participation of women is only 17.13% No. of Job cards with different no. & same head of household name are lakh. Payment of wages to be linked with measurement of works and not on time basis. Administrative charges are being paid to the line departments for the MGNREGA works.
LB & Funds (FY ): UTTARAKHAND LB (Cr. Person-days)2.42 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)1.22 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.)22.92 Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)16.09 *Fund released (16.09 Cr.) for 10 district.
MIS: Uttarakhand Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,30,4402,91,51188% (upto May, 12)1,5731,46393% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 1,04,61833,60732% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 75 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs Cr MIS Data:Rs Cr
Issues: UTTRAKHAND State Fund yet to be constituted. State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 1.88 lakh person-days for the year and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in 13,223 musters amounting to Rs.8.07 cr. ATR pending for 4 VIP complaints and 16 general complaints State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. Wage Material Ratio is not maintained in 13 Districts eFMS to be rolled out in district Dehradun. Verifications pending for 2.71 lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of HH
LB & Funds (FY ): WEST BENGAL LB (Cr. Person-days)12.53 LB up to Sept (Cr. Person-days)6.27 Amount required up to Sept (Rs. Cr.) OB on (Rs. Cr.) Amount Released (Rs. Cr.)1054
MIS: West Bengal Financial YearTotal MR issuedTotal MR entered% MR entered ,65,89830,64,85797% (upto May, 12)1,92,5401,81,98195% Total works taken up (since inception till FY ) works completed (as reported in MIS) (till FY ) % works completed 8,71,2424,88,17256% a) Muster Entered b) Work Completion c) Pipeline expenditure (FY ): Rs. 239 Cr d) Discrepancy in OB ( ): Audited Figure: Rs. 266 Cr MIS Data:Rs. 274 Cr
Issues: West Bengal State yet to pay unemployment allowance for 24,110 person-days and frame unemployment allowance rules. Delay in wage payment for more than 90 days in 2.26 lakh musters amounting to Rs cr. ATR pending for 4 VIP complaints and 13 general complaints State yet to set up independent Social Audit Directorate. e FMS pilot to be rolled out in Hoogly district. Participation of women is only 32.44% Verifications pending for lakh job cards issued that have identical name of Head of HH.