Functionalism and the Family Read through your handout to get an overview of what we will be covering this lesson
Functionalism & the family Understand the functionalist view of the family Be able to evaluate the functionalist view of the family Key Questions; What is the functionalist view of ‘the family’ Is this view still relevant today? What are the criticisms of the functionalist view of the family
Heart Lungs Brain Kidney Intestines Liver Stomach Organic Analogy
Heart Question What is the organic analogy? Back The comparison functionalists make between society and the human body
Stomach Question What S__________ approach do Functionalists take when they look at society? Back Structuralist
Lungs Question What are shared values known as? V C Back Value Consensus
Liver Question What does social solidarity mean? Back Ties in a society that bind people to one another
Brain Quesiton If Marxism and Feminism are conflict theories, what if Functionalism? Back Consensus
Intestines Question Functionalists argue society is H ? Back Harmonious
Pancreas Question Name one criticism of the Functionalist theory? Back Outdated Overly optimistic/positive view of society
Kidney Question Name one functionalist sociologist? Back Parsons Durkheim
Functionalist perspective on the family The family is at the heart of society and consequently they promote its value at every opportunity The family is a very positive institution which always benefits its members
Functionalism Warm Bath Theory Functionalists claim that the home life is like a ‘warm bath’ which soaks away the stresses of the outside world. It is an outlet for individuals to escape from modern day pressures
George Murdock (1949) – a Functionalist argued that... The family is found in all societies and it performs the same functions everywhere So it is a universal institution with universal functions.
The role of the Family What do you think are the roles of the family? Have they changed over the past 30 years? THINK – PAIR - SHARE
The role of the Family 2 key functionalist sociologists; Parsons – 2 roles Murdock – 4 roles
Roles of the family (Murdock) 1. Regulation of sexual activity sexual drive could lead to conflict over partners. cooperation is best achieved by couples living together for the long term and such a bond is cemented by sexual union
Roles of the family (Murdock) 2. Reproduction Couples must reproduce in order to maintain a society, no children, no future generations of people, no society.
Roles of the family (Murdock) 3. Economic support and the sexual division of labour Men are naturally stronger than women and therefore are the breadwinners of the family Women are more suited to a nurturing role in which they care for the children and their husbands
Roles of the family (Murdock) 4. Primary Socialisation Parents teach their children the norms and values needed for social order to be maintained in society
Parsons (functionalist) 2 key functions of the family Socialisation of children
Parsons (functionalist) 2 key functions of the family Stabilisation of adult personalities
General Criticisms of Functionalist views on the Family 1. Children are not passive recipients of socialisation 2. Family is not as harmonious as they claim 3. Based on middle class life ignoring other important influences. 4. Division of labour is not natural.
Key terms splat!
MLT Results!!!! 80% and above – make corrections in a different colour show me on Thursday and I will sign it off! Less than 80% you need to re take it on Thursday lunch time, I will mark it as soon as you have finished! It is your responsibility to ask me any questions before Thursday!!!