Review Relay Ch 5 & 6
1.NO TALKING 2.Each group must complete all 5 questions correctly 3.One turn per person 4.Your turn consists of answering the next question OR correcting a previous answer 5.Once all 5 questions are answered bring your whiteboard up to be reviewed 6.If everything is correct, you get 1 point. If not, return to your seat and continue working Rules
1.Name of the element used in the Bohr model 2.Specific amount of energy an e − can gain or lose when moving energy levels 3.List the colors in visible light (just letters) 4.Name of the particle of energy given off when moving energy levels 5.Name one way to excite an electron Round 1
1.Name of the lowest energy level of an atom 2.Symbol for frequency 3.Unit for wavelength 4.Light behaves like a ________ and a _______ 5.Wavelength and frequency are ___________ proportional Round 2
1.Name of the path an electron takes in the Bohr Model 2.Unit for frequency 3.Name of the highest point on a wave 4.Name of the state when an e − absorbs energy 5.How much energy it takes to remove an e − Round 3
1.Color with the longest wavelength 2.Color with the greatest energy 3.Name the elements that include groups 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A 4.Name of the lowest point on a wave 5.Symbol for wavelength Round 4
1.Name the current model of the atom 2.Principle energy levels go from ____ to ____ 3.List the 4 sublevels of an atom (letters) 4.How many electrons fit in an orbital? 5.Name one of the 3 rules used to determine electron configurations Round 5
1.Name of this rule: fill lowest energy orbitals first 2.How many total electrons in the p sublevel? 3.Name 1 element that’s an exception in e − config. 4.Name of electrons in the outermost shell 5.Draw the electron dot structure for carbon Round 6
1.Name of group 8A 2.Write the electron config. for nitrogen 3.Give the noble gas config. for calcium 4.Which one of these is a metal: F, K, As 5.Name of a positive ions Round 7
1.How many valence electrons in boron? 2.Name of group 2A 3.Trend in atomic radius as you go across 4.Trend in ionization energy as you go down 5.How attractive an element is (vocab word) Round 8
1.Most electronegative element on the periodic table 2.Good conductors of heat and electricity 3.Name of group 7A 4.When a neutral atom becomes an anion its size __________ 5.Group 2A atoms lose e − and take a _____ charge Round 9