Chinese Society & Culture Chapter 16-2
Economy & Daily Life Between 1500 & 1800 China remained a predominant farming country of small farmers Even with the country being predominantly agriculturally based the economy was changing
Economic Changes The first change was in the area of population China grew from a population of less than 80 million in 1390 to more than 300 million by the end of the 1700’s The reason for the great increase was a period of peace & stability under the Qing Dynasty as well an increased food supply This great increase in population would lead to land shortages which in turn would lead to unrest & revolt
Economic Changes Another change was seen in the growth of manufacturing & trade This was also due the period of peace & a stable government Although trade & manufacturing increased, China, as compared to European countries, did not develop a type of commercial capitalism or private business based on profit The reasons were cultural Merchants & manufactures in China were not as independent as its counterparts of Europe as they were under the control of the Chinese government In addition the Chinese looked down on trade & manufacturing as inferior to farming The state reflected this attitude as they levied high taxes on manufacturing while levying lower taxes on farming
Society & the Role of Women Chinese society was organized around the family The family, as many as four generations, was expected to provide, educate, support, & care for their members In return the members existed for the benefit of the family as a whole In addition to the family were those who were related in some form called the clan These members were held together by a council clan of elders These members conducted social as well as religious activities The clan made it possible for wealthy families to help the poorer families
Society & the Role of Women Only the males had a formal education & could pursue a career in government or education Women played a key role in the family but were subordinate to the man Women could not divorce or inherit property Men could divorce if the woman did not produce sons & were even allowed to take a second wife. The men were expected to provide for the family A feature of Chinese society was the restriction of mobility for Chinese women which was accomplished by the tradition of foot binding
Foot-Binding in Tang China Mothers bound their daughters’ feet.
Foot-Binding in Tang China For upper-class girls, it became a new custom.
The Results of Foot-Binding
Chinese Art & Literature Under the Ming rule the standard of living increased allowing a new form of literature to be created, the modern Chinese novel This literature was very popular especially with the wealthy The Golden Lotus is considered by many to be the first realistic social novel The novel depicts a corrupt landlord who manipulates those around him for sex, power, & money The Dream of the Red Chamber, written in 1791, is considered China’s most distinguished popular novel This novel is a story of a couple in love who are caught in a financial & moral disintegration of a powerful Chinese clan
Ming & Qing Art The most glowing example of Chinese art is in its cities Beijing is the best example of this It is a series of complex palaces & temples surrounded by six and a half miles of walls Much of the city was off limits to the commoners thus the name of the Forbidden City In addition to the great architecture porcelain also flourished in popularity