DEFINITION OF ANGELS (page 299) There are a number of different words used in scripture to define angelic beings Angel-which means “messenger” Sons of God -Angels are called “sons of God” in that their in their unfallen estate they are God’s sons by His creation Holy Ones -they are “set apart” by God and for God as attendants to His holiness Hosts -which can be understood to denote the armies of heaven Complete #1 and # 2 in Module #1
EXISTENCE OF ANGELS (page 299) The existence of angels is uniformly presented in Scripture Critical to the belief in angels is the relationship of angels to Christ. The existence of angels is tied to the reliability of testimony of Christ
Nature and Attributes of Angels (page 300) Angels are spirit beings and they may reveal themselves to mankind in the form of human bodies. Angels are created beings because the Lord created them by His word Angels were created simultaneously and innumerable in number. They are not continuously being created Angels are a higher order than man and are not subject to man’s limitations.
CLASSIFICATION OF ANGELS (pages 300-301) Angels who are governmental rulers- Rulers-those who are first or high in rank Powers-those who invested in authority World Forces of Darkness -power and authority over the world Spiritual Forces of Wickedness -wicked spirits expressed in their character and nature
CLASSIFICATION OF ANGELS Angels who are highest rank Archangel and Michael may be the only one. His mission is to be the protector of Israel. Chief Princes –high ranking angels Ruling Angels Angels who are Prominent Individuals Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer
CLASSIFICATION OF ANGELS (pages 300-301) Angels who are divine attendants Cherubim- protectors and proclaimers of God’s glorious presence, His sovereignty, and His holiness Seraphim-They praise and proclaim the perfect holiness of God Answer Module #1 Question # 3
MINISTRY OF ANGELS (page 302) Ministry to God Defend his Holiness Attend to his throne Ministry to Christ Predict His Birth Protect Him in infancy Ministered to Him after temptation Announce His resurrection Attend His second coming
MINISTRY OF ANGELS (page 303) Ministry to Believer Physical protection Physical provision Direction Assistance in Answers to prayer Carry believers home Complete Module #1 Questions #4- # 6
DOCTRINE OF SATAN: Existence (page 304) References to Satan in Scripture Gen. 3 –the serpent Job 2:1- 1Chronicles 21:1 –Satan led David to take the census Isaiah 14:12-14 (Five I WILL statements) Every New Testament writer writes about him Complete Module #1 Questions #7-#8
PERSONALITY OF SATAN (page304-305) Satan has the following: Intellect in that he plans, schemes and is crafty Emotions (anger) A will Speaks Plans Accuses Deceives All these elements demonstrate that Satan is a person
ORIGIN AND NATURE OF SATAN (page 305-306) Original State Ezek. 28_12-15 describes Satan prior to his fall: He had an exalted position; called the “anointed…covering cherub” ; Star of the morning Satan’s Fall Ez. 28 and Is. 14 Pride Satan’s Moral Responsibility He is morally responsible and accountable
ORIGIN AND NATURE OF SATAN (page 306) Judgment of Satan Fell from exalted position Defeat was pronounced in Eden Rendered powerless through the cross Will be cast out of heaven during the tribulation Will be bound in the pit for 1000 years Will be cast into the lake of fire Complete Module # 1 Question # 10
DOCTRINE OF DEMONS (page 306-307) Theories Spirits of deceased evil people - Early Christian writers believed this but proven wrong scripture Spirit s of a pre-Adamic race -Based on the “gap theory” /Gen 1:1-Gen. 1:2 Offspring of Angels and women –Nephilim / Gen. 6:4 Fallen but unconfined Angels –Lucifer lead with him a host of lower ranking angels (Matt. 12: 24, Matt. 25: 41, 2 Pet. 2: 4, Rev. 9: 3-11) Complete Module #1 Question # 11
CHARACTERISTICS OF DEMONS (page 308) Demons are Spirit beings Intelligent but not omniscient Localized by omnipresent Powerful but not omnipotent Complete Module #1 Question #12
ACTIVITY OF DEMONS ( page 308-309) Demons do the following: Inflict disease Influence the mind Deceive people Deceive nations Complete Module #1 Question # 13
DEMON POSSESSION (page 309) Charles Ryrie defines demon possession as “A demon residing in a person, exerting direct control and influence over that person, with certain derangement of mind and/or body. Demon possession is to be distinguished from demon influence or demon activity in relation to a person . The work of the demon in the latter is from the outside; in demon possession it is from within. By this definition a Christian cannot be possessed by a demon since he is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. However, a believer can be the target of demonic activity to such an extent that he may give the appearance of demon possession.” Complete Module #1 Questions # 14 and # 15
JUDGEMENT OF DEMONS ( page 310) Through the cross the power of demons has been conquered At the return of Christ the demons will be cast into the lake of fire.