Two major religions battle out it head to head for world dominance
monotheisticTorah GodSynagogue Rabbi
Believe in one God-monotheism Torah-first five books of the Hebrew Bible Ten Commandments Worship in synagogues Holidays Rosh Hashanah- Jewish New Year Yom Kippur- Day of Atonement- fast, pray, and atone for sins Passover- marks the liberation of the Jews from slavery in Egypt
Four Noble Truths KarmaDharma MeditationDalai Lama
Four Noble Truths 1. Suffering 2. Origin of suffering 3. Cessation of suffering 4. Path to the cessation of suffering Founded bySiddhartha Guatama Also believe in Three Universal truths and The Eightfold Path Meditations helps them seek enlightenment and nirvana
Judaism Monotheistic Egypt 586 BC Yahweh Synagogue Buddhism No God India 500 BC Nirvana Enlightenment