Negotiating our Water Future in Colorado & the Colorado River Basin Colorado Basin Roundtable
Our population is increasing but there’s no new water. Many uses compete for a scarce and limited water supply. Municipal & Industrial 9% Agriculture 86% Recreation Environment Graphics provided by the Colorado Foundation for Water Education
Colorado is facing a “Gap”
ConservationAg to Urban Transfers New Projects (Colorado Basin development) How can we fill the gap? Already planned projects (Windy Gap firming, Moffat Collection System) + Graphics provided by the Colorado Foundation for Water Education The Governor wants a draft plan by the end of 2014 & a final plan by the end of 2015.
Colorado Basin Roundtable Colorado Basin Roundtable tasks: Assess internal needs & identify projects to meet them Negotiate how to meet state needs.
Colorado Basin Planning Cycle Vision of what CBRT can and should accomplish Inventory & conclusions of existing reports Constraints & opportunities -Water administration - Current & future shortages Projects & methods to meet objectives Implementation strategies Has BIP met objectives & measurable outcomes? Public Involvement
Values the Colorado Basin Roundtable has endorsed include (in summary): Solutions in the CO Water Plan should not over-ride local land-use plans and regulations. The CO Water Plan should protect and not threaten the economic, environmental, and social well-being of the west slope. Each basin should exhaust available water supply within its own basin before planning diversions from another. The CO Water Plan should minimize the risk of a Colorado River Compact Curtailment. The State should not promote a water project until the area where the project is located agrees.
Your input is needed! Please: Fill out your survey. Sign up to get updates as planning progresses!
Survey questions: Was this presentation interesting and helpful? Comments? What water issue(s) most concerns you: - locally - statewide What approach do you favor to meeting future water needs - locally - statewide What county do you live in? Which categories that describe you? Choose all that apply. interested citizen, water professional, environmental advocate, farmer/rancher, government employee, boater, angler, energy sector employee, other ________