I-Squad / Grade 6-8 / Session 1 of 1 Printer Setup for MAC
Focusing Questions How can a MAC be setup to print?
Framing The Session I-Squad members will learn how to setup MACs to print wirelessly, using both Appletalk and IP Addresses.
Teaching Printer Setup is located in the utilities folder. Use the finder to locate this folder.
Teaching When the finder is double clicked, the finder menu will appear. Highlight and click Applications.
Teaching In Applications, highlight and click Utilities.
Teaching In Utilities, highlight and click Printer Setup Utility.
Teaching Click the Printer Setup Utility and the printer list menu will appear.
Teaching This menu will be empty if there are no printers assigned to the computer. Click ADD to add a new printer.
Teaching At this point there is an option to use Default Browser or IP Printer. Select Default Brower and a list of active printers will appear.
Teaching Find the printer you want. Highlight the printer. Click ADD.
Teaching If this was done correctly, the printer will now appear in the printer list menu. When the new printer is highlighted, the other options become available. This printer can now be setup as the Default Printer.
Teaching Printer setup can also be done by directly typing in an IP Address for a printer. Click ADD again, but this time do NOT use the Default Browser option, click IP Printer instead.
Teaching Type in the appropriate IP Address and click ADD. You get the IP Address from the printer itself.
Teaching If this is done correctly, you will now see the IP Address in the printer list menu. When the new printer is highlighted, the other options become available. This printer can now be setup as the Default Printer.
Guided Practice We will now setup our laptops to print from one of the printers in the room. We will do this together. Follow along the steps as you see them on the projector.
Work Time
Getting Started Now that everyone has seen how this setup process is done, you will attempt to setup a new printer on your laptop individually.
Work Time Use your laptop to see what printers are available using the Default Browser, and see which printers can be successfully added. Make one printer a default printer. Print a test page to make sure everything is setup correctly
Today we learned how to setup our MACs to print wirelessly. Let’s see some of the printers in our building you were able to setup as a default printer. Share
How does this work address the questions that began the session? Answers