COLLECTION OF DATA Direct observation Interview Experiment Questionnaire
DIRECT OBSERVATION A ccurate Reliable Limited ambiguity Expensive
PERSONAL INTERVIEW Identity of respondent is known Sincerity of answer may be checked Ambiguities may be clarified Lack of response on sensitive issues Time consuming Expensive (esp. door-to-door)
TELEPHONE INTERVIEW No travelling expenses Relatively cheap Ambiguities may be clarified Not all people have phones Identity of respondent unknown Respondent may not be available
EXPERIMENT This is carried out in cases of novelties. Past data is normally unavailable so that fresh and accurate data can only be obtained by proper designing. In general, good control can be exerted over the variable under investigation.
QUESTIONNAIRE Design Pretest Editing of results
QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN Questions Short Clear Direct Relevant to theme of survey
QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN Types of questions Dichotomous Multiple choice Rating scale Open-ended