The Southern Colony By: Grace, Lauren, Blake, and Edwin
The Climate It is the warmest of the three colonial regions. There was no worrying about surviving winter. The warm moist climate carried diseases that killed the colonists. More sunshine then the rain. The summers where hot and the winters where mild.
Geography There was a broad, coastal plain, hilly, and covered with forests. They had rich soil.
Agricultural Products There was tobacco, rice, and indigo. They also had tar, pitch, turpentine, lumber, and some crops they grew.
Industries There was rice, indigo, pitch, lumber, tar, and turpentine. They built Navel stores, they repaired ships and also built ships.
The Food Their food was deer, rabbit, and wild turkey. They fished for fish and clams. They grew crops, and grew wheat for bread and rice.
Religion They believed the catholic and they were also christens.
There clothing The woman wore linen or wool dresses. They also wore petticoats, white caps and leather shoes. In the winter they wore hooded cloaks. The men wore breeches, wool shirts, heavy boots, and overcoats. In the winter they wore wool caps and wool mittens.
Natural Resources They had rich farm lands, forests, and fish, and African American slaves.
Family Life The kids helped there parents when they needed help. The girls helped their moms in the garden and when they sewed for clothes. The boys helped their dad by helping building house are fixing their own house. The kids had to do some chores around the house, not just helping with their parents.
Education Children generally began their education at home. Because the distances between farms and plantations made community schools impossible. Plantation owners often hired tutors to teach boys. A governess usually taught the girls enough reading, writing, and math to run a household and the social skills to attract a husband.
Shelter and Housing The colonists first settled on the land near the coast. The native Americans had already cleared this land for farmland. The colonists put together shelters as quickly as possible to protect themselves from the cold and wild animals. Sometimes they moved into caves, or they used the sails from their ships to make tents. They gathered logs for huts.
Recreation The children bobbed apple, played hide and seek, jumped rope, played with marbles, corn shuck contest, and making quilts and dolls. The adults danced and did work around the house.
Government There was a general assembly and they made up the laws. The colonist had self- government.