2 nd and 6 th Period Review Chapters 1 and 2 Vocabulary Chapter 3 Read Chapter 3
Chapter I "Into the Primitive" Buck was a family dog living in a large house in the Santa Clara Valley. He was part St. Bernard and part Scotch shepherd. Buck was loved and treated lovingly by Judge Miller's family. Judge Miller's gardener Manuel loved the Chinese lottery. Unfortunately he was not lucky. Manuel decided to make up his loses by selling Buck. He needed the money to support his wife and children. Strong dogs with thick coats brought a fair price for the gold seekers in the Yukon Territory. Buck traveled northward by train. While traveling, Buck bit his kidnapper's hand. Buck was then choked and locked into a crate. The crate passed from wagon to train.
Chapter 1 After two days and nights without eating or drinking, Buck decided never to let anyone mistreat him again. In Seattle a man in a red sweater decided to "break" Buck with his club and hatchet. Buck's body became broken, but not his spirit. Once Buck was exhausted and down, the man with the club brought him water and meat. Buck learned that a man with a club can't be beaten. Buck was then sold to a French Canadian named Perrault. Another dog named Curly was also bought. They were taken onto a ship called the Narwhal. On this ship the dogs were turned over to Francois. They joined two other dogs named Spitz and Dave. Finally they reached the cold new land and Buck had his first experience with snow.
Chapter 2 Chapter II "The Law of Club and Fang" Buck realized that he is away from civilization and living in the wild. Buck's friend Curly was killed by a stranger. When she fell 30 to 40 other husky dogs rushed in and trampled her. Buck learned a lesson from this. Never go down. Buck was harnessed to the other dogs. He remembered the horses being harnessed back on Judge Miller's farm and found the experience humiliating. Between Dave and Spitz, who have been in a sled team previously, Buck learned how to pull a sled. He learned the meanings of "ho" and "mush".
Chapter 2 Perrault bought two more dogs, Billee and Joe. Sol-leks also joined the sled team. He was an old husky who was missing one eye. Buck soon learned not to approach Sol- leks from his blind side. One cold night Buck was having trouble sleeping. He tried to enter the tent, but Francois and Perrault chased him away. While wandering Buck learned that the other dogs had dug sleeping holes so they could sleep comfortably. Buck dug his own hole and settled in for the night. The next day three more dogs joined the team making a total of nine. The team traveled forty miles a day. They continued this pace day after day. Buck learned he must eat quickly to avoid his food being stolen by the other dogs.
Chapter 3 Call of the Wild Vocabulary
Cunning (n)
A skill used in a sly or shrewd manner
Skulking (v)
Lying or keeping in hiding for an evil reason
Adversary (n)
An enemy
Primitive (adj)
Early in the history of the world
Mutiny (n)
A revolt or rebellion against authority
Recuperated (v)
Recovered from sickness or exhaustion