Software & equipment Tara Markovich
To help diagnose and treat patients of all ages who have medical problems or health related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives. Diagnose and manage movement dysfunction and enhance physical and functional abilities Restore, maintain, and promote not only optimal physical function but optimal wellness and fitness and optimal quality of life as it relates to movement and health.
**The #1 choice of professional sports teams, schools, physical therapy clinics and anyone who has injured and/or weakened ankles.** lower leg & ankle progressive resistance exercise. performs load-resisting inversion, eversion, dorsi- flexion & plantar-flexion exercises. Made by the leading manufacturer of superior quality progressive resistance exercise products for therapy and rehabilitation - Elgin, since 1946
Cost: $699 Found at:
With a smooth and quiet magnetic resistance, the user can perform exercises to improve circulation, muscle strength and joint range-of-motion. Steel base Secure wall bounding Adjustable height allows for sitting, standing, or wheelchair access. Arm adjusts from 13 to 22 inches to adjust the arc of the shoulder wheel Average Customer Review:
Cost: $ Found at: eciser-shoulder- exerciser/
the market leading web-based, physical therapy software for managing your practice. clinical documentation, scheduling, billing and management reporting to make documenting easier for therapists and keep your practice compliant with Medicare
Cost: Free Found at: ppc.html?utm_source=google_ppc&utm_medium=ppc&utm_cam paign=pt_overview&utm_term={keyword}&utm_content=demo
are widely used for rehabilitation from muscle and joint injuries and for aerobics and general conditioning TheraBand is the only resistive exercise band endorsed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) improves muscle strength and endurance comes in different color- coded resistance levels
Cost: $9.79 Found at: exercise-band-37619/
Grip strength Dexterity Mobility Fine and gross motor skills Available in in circular or larger ergonomic cylindrical shape
Cost: $8.14- $11.20 Found at: band-hand-exerciser/
Elgin Ankle Exerciser- $699 Magneciser Shoulder Exerciser- $349 Clinicient- Free! Resistive exercise bands- $9.79 Thera- band hand exerciser- $8.14 TOTAL: $1,065.93